Troubleshooting Your Manifestations: A Guide to Unlocking Your Manifesting Power

Feeling frustrated because your manifestations aren't coming to fruition?

Don't worry; you're not alone. 

The good news is, your manifestation ability isn't broken; it just needs a little troubleshooting.

Let's dive into why your manifestations might not be working and how you can fix them!


Mindset Check:   

First things first, let's examine your mindset.
Are limiting beliefs holding you back?
Take a moment to identify any thoughts or beliefs that contradict your desired manifestations.
For example, do you believe you can only earn more money if you work harder?

Challenge these beliefs and replace them with empowering ones like "I attract abundance effortlessly."


Common Limiting Beliefs:

  • Beliefs around deservingness: Many people struggle with feelings of unworthiness when it comes to manifesting abundance. They may believe that they are not deserving of wealth, success, or happiness, often due to past experiences or societal conditioning.
  • Beliefs around worthiness: Similar to deservingness, beliefs about one's worthiness can sabotage manifestation efforts. Individuals may feel inherently unworthy of abundance, leading to self-sabotage and resistance to receiving.
  • Beliefs about the nature of abundance: Some people hold limiting beliefs about the nature of abundance itself, viewing it as scarce or finite. They may believe that there is not enough to go around, leading to feelings of lack and limitation.


Shadow Work:

Next, let's explore your shadow. 
Are past experiences, traumas, or deep-rooted beliefs blocking your manifestations?  
Take time to reflect on any unresolved emotions or negative patterns that may be hindering your progress.
Once identified, work on healing and releasing these blockages through practices like journaling, therapy, or energy healing.


Common Shadow Aspects:

Fear of Scarcity: Many individuals harbor deep-seated f

ears of scarcity, stemming from experiences of lack or deprivation in childhood or adulthood. These fears can manifest as anxiety around money, an obsession with saving, or difficulty in spending freely.

Guilt Around Wealth: Some people struggle with feelings of guilt or shame associated with wealth or financial success. They may believe that having money makes them selfish or greedy, leading to self-sabotage or unconscious resistance to abundance.

Unresolved Financial Traumas: Past financial traumas, such as bankruptcy, foreclosure, or significant loss, can leave lasting emotional scars. Individuals may carry unresolved grief, anger, or resentment related to these experiences, which can block the flow of abundance in their lives.


Approach to Shadow Work:

Compassionate Exploration: Approach shadow work with compassion and curiosity rather than judgment. Understand that shadow aspects are not flaws to be fixed but parts of ourselves in need of acknowledgment and healing.

Self-Compassion and Forgiveness: Practice self-compassion and forgiveness as they explore their shadow aspects. Remember it's okay to feel uncomfortable or vulnerable during this process and self-forgiveness is an essential step towards healing.

Inner Child Work: Inner child work as a powerful tool for addressing unresolved wounds and traumas related to money and abundance. Connect with your inner child, offer love and support, and re-parent yourself with kindness and compassion.


Action Alignment:

Now, let's assess your daily actions.
Are you taking consistent aligned action towards your goals?
Or are you stuck in a cycle of procrastination or self-sabotage?
Be honest with yourself about whether your actions align with your desires.
Break free from old habits and excuses, and commit to taking intentional steps towards manifesting your dreams.

Common Manifestation Roadblocks and Solutions:

1. Lack of Clarity:
Problem: Unclear intentions can lead to vague or ineffective manifestations.
Solution: Get clear on what you want by setting specific, achievable goals and visualizing your desired outcome daily.


2. Impatience:
Problem: Expecting instant results can create resistance and block manifestations.
Solution: Practice patience and trust in divine timing. Stay consistent with your manifesting rituals and allow the universe to unfold in its own time.


3. Negative Vibes:
Problem: Dwelling on negativity or focusing on what's lacking can repel manifestations.
Solution: Cultivate a positive mindset through gratitude practices, affirmations, and surrounding yourself with uplifting energy.


4. Lack of Faith:
Problem: Doubting your manifesting abilities or losing faith in the process can hinder results.
Solution: Strengthen your belief in manifestation by celebrating small wins, keeping a manifestation journal, and connecting with a supportive community.


5. Attachment to Outcomes:
Problem: Clinging too tightly to specific outcomes can create resistance and block the flow of manifestation.
Solution: Practice detachment by surrendering control and trusting that the universe will deliver what is best for you. Focus on the feeling of having your desires rather than the specifics of how they manifest.


6. Fear of Failure:
Problem: Fear of failure or fear of success can create subconscious barriers to manifesting your desires.
Solution: Identify and address underlying fears through introspection and self-awareness. Reframe failure as a learning opportunity and embrace the possibility of success with courage and confidence.


7. Lack of Self-Worth:
Problem: Low self-worth or feelings of unworthiness can sabotage manifestations by attracting undesired outcomes.
Solution: Cultivate self-love and self-acceptance through affirmations, self-care practices, and surrounding yourself with supportive influences. Recognize and celebrate your inherent worthiness to receive abundance and blessings.

By addressing these additional manifestation roadblocks and implementing the suggested solutions, you can further enhance your manifesting abilities and align with the abundant life you deserve. Trust in the process, believe in your power, and continue to take inspired action towards your dreams.

Remember, manifesting is a journey, not a destination.

By addressing these common roadblocks and implementing the suggested solutions, you can unlock your manifesting power and create the life of your dreams.

Stay committed, stay aligned, and trust that your manifestations are on their way to you. You've got this!





The Invitation to Transformation
As you embark on the journey of showing up for yourself, remember that it's not about perfection but progress. Embrace the imperfections, learn from setbacks, and celebrate every step forward. The path to manifestation mastery is an evolving process, and by choosing to prioritize your growth, you pave the way for a life rich in abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

In the spirit of empowerment and transformation, let the "Show Up for Yourself"  30 day journal be your companion on this journey. It's time to unveil the art of showing up, break free from self-abandonment, and manifest the life you truly deserve.

Learn more :



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