When Manifestation Appears to Go Wrong: How to Keep Going and Stand in Faith

When Manifestation Appears to Go Wrong: How to Keep Going and Stand in Faith

Manifestation can feel magical when things line up perfectly, but what about when it goes seemingly wrong?

As someone who practices manifestation and follows spirit-led guidance, I recently experienced a crushing setback that made me question everything.

My husband and I were in the process of buying a dreamy new home.

The signs were all there: the synchronicities, the numbers that follow us, even the model home's name felt aligned.

Everything seemed divinely orchestrated.

As someone deeply connected to spirit, I asked for clarity. I prayed not to be led down a path that wasn’t meant for us—and yet, we were led down the path anyway.

Right up until closing day, it seemed the house was ours. Then, we received the devastating news that due to a technicality with two of our other rental properties, the deal couldn't be finalized.

On the day we were supposed to get the keys, we were sent back to square one.

In that moment, I felt the pull toward limited thinking. The voices in my head said, "See? This always happens. You get excited just to be let down." I wanted to lash out, to blame the universe, and sink back into frustration.

But then I paused.

How could I reconcile this experience with everything I teach about manifestation and mindset?

 I realized that this was an opportunity to embody the principles I live by, even in the face of crushing disappointment.


Here's how I’m navigating this setback and how you can keep the faith, even when things go wrong:


1. Honor Your Emotions

When a manifestation doesn’t go as planned, it's okay to feel disappointment. Don't suppress your emotions; allow yourself to grieve the outcome. However, it's important not to dwell there. Accept your feelings, but don’t let them control the narrative.


2. Reframe the Situation

When something doesn’t manifest as expected, ask yourself, “What if this is working *for* me, not *against* me?” The universe may be aligning something even better than what you envisioned. Perhaps the delay or obstacle is actually clearing the way for a more aligned opportunity.


3. Revisit Your ‘Why’

Go back to your original intention. What was your core desire behind this manifestation? For us, it was more than just a house—it was about creating a space filled with peace, creativity, and abundance. The form may change, but the essence of what you're manifesting can still come to fruition.


4. Avoid Limited Thinking

It's tempting to fall into limiting beliefs when things go wrong. In my case, thoughts like “This always happens” popped up.

Catch these thoughts before they spiral. Replace them with affirmations rooted in abundance and possibility. For example: “I trust the timing of the universe,” or “Everything is working out for my highest good.”


5. Focus on the Bigger Picture

Manifestation isn’t just about the destination; it’s about growth and transformation along the way. Consider how this experience is teaching you resilience, patience, or trust (ew I know! But a very empowering and freeing space to learn to be in.).
Every setback is an opportunity to strengthen your faith and expand your understanding of yourself and the universe.


6. Reconnect with Your Faith

When doubt creeps in, reconnect with your spiritual practices—whether that's meditation, energy work, connecting with your guide team, prayer, or journaling. 
Some of my favorite go-to's personally:

  • Reality Writing:  After tuning back into what I really truly desire, (#3), I go back to reality writing. I tune back into the feelings and experiences I truly desire (versus continuing to focus on what I don't want and everything that appears to be going wrong).


  • Then I usually will do energy work, sound healing, or meditation to help clear the negative energy I just gathered from the experience. 


  • Next I turn to spirit and asked for guidance on how to proceed. The answer is simple: Keep the faith. The journey isn’t over, and something better is on its way. (Even though the human side of me acknowledges it feels really tough to do that right now.) 


7. Use Practical Tools to Stay Aligned

While emotional and spiritual work is crucial, you also need practical steps to keep your energy aligned. I love using tools like journaling, music, guided meditation, and energy clearing to keep my vibration high. Create a daily practice to reset your intentions, ground yourself, and focus on what you *do* want.


8. Be Open to Redirection (Not always easy when you had your heart set on something, I know!...But always powerful and profound when you choose to be open.) 

Sometimes, what we think we want isn't what we truly need. Spirit may be redirecting you toward something more aligned. In my case, I’m choosing to stay open to new opportunities. If the house wasn’t meant for us, I trust that something better is on the horizon.


9. Surround Yourself with Support

Manifestation isn’t a solo journey. Surround yourself with a community or a coach who can help you keep the faith when things go wrong. Talk through your frustrations, get guidance, and receive encouragement from others who are on the same path.


10. Trust the Process

At the end of the day, manifestation is about trusting the process, even when it doesn't look like you expect. It’s about standing firm in your belief that the universe is always conspiring for your highest good. I remind myself daily: “I am a powerful creator. I trust the timing and the unfolding of my desires.”


This experience, while stressful, has reaffirmed my belief in the power of manifestation and the importance of staying aligned with my faith. If you’re facing a setback in your own manifestation journey, know that it doesn’t mean your dream is out of reach. Stay grounded, keep the faith, and trust that the universe is always working in your favor—even when things seem to go horribly wrong.

Let this be a reminder that the path to manifestation is rarely linear, but it’s always leading you exactly where you’re meant to go.

Stay the course.

Your manifestation is closer than you think.





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