Unlocking Abundance: How Your Energy Shapes Your Wealth

Let us delve into the intricate connection between your energy and the manifestation of wealth in your life.

As a Manifestation Coach and Energy Healer, I've witnessed the profound impact our energy can have on creating (or clearing) abundance blocks.

What is an abundance block? 

An abundance block refers to a psychological or energetic barrier that hinders the flow of abundance, prosperity, or success into one's life. These blocks are often rooted in negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, unprocessed emotions, and past experiences.

Understanding how these blocks get trapped in our energy involves recognizing the intricate interplay between our thoughts, emotions, and energetic vibrations.

Abundance blocks get trapped in our energy through a continuous feedback loop.

Negative thoughts and beliefs contribute to imbalances in our energetic field, which, in turn, attract circumstances and experiences that validate those thoughts and beliefs.

Breaking this cycle involves conscious awareness, mindset shifts, and energy healing practices to release and transmute the trapped energy, allowing for the free and abundant flow of positive manifestations.


Let's unravel the mysteries of how this happens and, more importantly, discover how to release those blocks to invite prosperity.

1. Understanding the Energetic Blueprint:
Our energy is like a vibrant tapestry, interwoven with thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Each thread contributes to the overall pattern of our energetic blueprint. Abundance blocks are knots in this tapestry, formed by negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and unprocessed emotions.

2. The Power of Thoughts:
Thoughts carry immense energy. Negative thought patterns, such as scarcity or self-doubt, can create a dense energetic field that repels abundance. By fostering a positive and abundant mindset, you can shift your energy and attract prosperity effortlessly.

3. Emotional Residue:
Unresolved emotions, especially those related to past traumas or financial struggles, leave an energetic residue. This residue forms an invisible barrier, preventing the free flow of abundance into your life. Energy healing techniques can help release and transmute these emotions, clearing the path for abundance.

4. Limiting Beliefs as Energetic Barriers:
Beliefs act as filters through which we perceive the world. Limiting beliefs, often ingrained in childhood or shaped by societal conditioning, act as energetic barriers. Identifying and challenging these beliefs is a crucial step in dismantling abundance blocks.

5. Chakras: The Energy Centers of Manifestation:
Our chakras play a pivotal role in shaping our energetic landscape. Imbalances in specific chakras can lead to financial struggles and abundance blocks. Energy healing practices focused on aligning and balancing the chakras can remove these obstacles.

6. Self-Sabotage and Resistance:
Sometimes, our own actions create resistance to abundance. Self-sabotaging behaviors, fear of success, or deep-rooted feelings of unworthiness can repel prosperity. Recognizing and addressing these patterns is key to transforming your energy for abundance.


In the design of your manifestation, your energy is the builder. Abundance blocks are knots that hinder the free flow of prosperity. By consciously tending to your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, and employing energy healing practices, you can unravel these knots and create a vibrant, abundant masterpiece.

Remember, the journey to abundance is not just about attracting wealth; it's about aligning your energy with the frequency of prosperity.

Embrace the transformative power of energy work, and watch as your life becomes a canvas painted with the colors of abundance and fulfillment.

May your energy be the catalyst for the manifestation of your dreams! 



Ready to Supercharge Your Manifestation Journey? Are you tired of feeling stuck on your manifestation journey?

Ready to break free from those lingering abundance blocks and step into your dream reality?

Well, look no further! 

I'm excited to invite you to join our exclusive Manifestation & Magic Membership – a space where the magic happens!

For just $7 a month, you'll gain access to a transformative community, ongoing immersive experiences, and expert guidance to elevate your manifestation game!

Here's what's waiting for you:
✨ Monthly group rituals and meditations
✨ Live coaching calls with personalized insights
✨ Printable content: workbooks, journals, and more
✨ Bonus workshops and exclusive events
✨ Private community support for sharing your journey

Our first call is on December 2nd, featuring an Abundance Block Group Energy Healing. Secure your spot now and let's manifest the life you've been dreaming of together! 

Join here: https://www.waywardwitchco.com/offers/y3tyJZon

Embrace the magic, harness the power, and manifest your dreams like never before! 

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