Addressing Current Times

I have been debating addressing what is going on in the world right now. This is a place of finding healing, finding magic, and finding a diverse supportive tribe. But what I am going to address in this post is a very important ingredient to your healing, and your magic, therefore I do feel compelled to say something.

I know times are crazy. I know there are those that are enraged, those that are scared, those that are opportunists, and those that want to make a difference.  

For every trigger, there is an opportunity for our own individual healing. That fact does not change just because it’s a bigger global event, or a single personal moment. This fact is still true.

So, you want to stop feeling the rage? The fear? You want to make a difference? You want to see change?

The best thing you can do for yourself, for your children, for your families, and for your communities is to first look at your own triggers. Your own wounding. Your own beliefs and reactions and where they are coming from.

How objective are you being at all times? Even the crazy, hard to wrap your mind around times?

Objectivity will bring clarity. Clarity will get you to the point of making decisions intuitively, more heart-centered, and decisions that are for the highest good. It will help you to be more aligned with who you are at soul level. And if you want to be able to make a difference, what better way to do so, then from a place of clarity versus a place of being closed minded to anything other than your own belief?  What if that belief that is causing the trigger is coming from a place of unhealed trauma? What if a belief may not even be yours but you some how adopted it as such?

And if you want to be more objective, that means you have to make a choice not to plug in to the collective energy, emotion and actions. Give yourself the gift of remaining an observer. You can still invoke change, in fact you will have more strength in your change, from this stand point. I do not mean that you have to accept the things that are happening. But there is joining the chaos, plugging in to the collective, and then there is making change from aligned perspectives. 

You have to decide you are no longer going to define yourself as: “I’m an empath” (Remember words are spells. You go and claim everyone’s feelings, fear, or emotions in your own energy field- then that is what you are going to experience).
Empathy is a tool, it does not have to define your life. And I understand it is not easy. I too feel ALL THE THINGS. But I also now know to check in and ask myself what actually belongs to me, and anything that does not I return to sender and do not take that into my field.

You want to make a difference? See change?

First step out, and then go within.

What I mean by that is, realize there is so much more going on than what we see in the news and on social media. 

Look at what is going on with astrology.
Look at all the beautiful moments that are also going on in the midst of chaos.
Look at the fact that for every destruction, follows a rebirth. We have a platform and an opportunity here. And believe it or not- there actually is a choice in how you respond and what you believe, and where you pull your information from.
Look at the fact that there is so much that we do not see, hear, or know. There is more than meets the eye and way more going on than what we see from a limited 3D standpoint.
Look at the fact that we don’t have to plug in to a collective unrest or a collective fear.

If we believe during “normal” times that we have the ability to manifest and create our own reality, that means we can continue to do so during the chaotic times.

We have a choice how we respond. How we see things. How we show up.   We can still make our difference or take a stand – but from a way that is aligned with our highest selves and with deeper understandings of life.

But that isn’t going to happen by engrossing yourself in social media reports about what’s going on or relying strictly on news reports or social media posts to determine your actions, reactions, and beliefs.

If you are asking yourself, “How can I help right now?” “How can I show up and make a difference?”

The answer is start WITHIN.


Lean into your own truth. Lean into your guide team. Call on your highest self. Work on your triggers, your healing, and your beliefs. And when you start to do that, opportunities to show up and make a difference in ALIGNED ways will begin to present themselves.

Think about it this:  
Jane sees what happened on the news.
She immediately feels enraged.  
The next day she sees on the news that people are protesting, and because she too is so enraged, she decides to join the protestors.
At the protest there is so much rage going around, and then destruction, looting, and violence begins.
Jane is feeling that rage too! So, what does she do? Join in? And even if she does not join in, is she adding to the chaos simply by being at that protest?
When Jane first experienced that rage, she did not ask questions of that rage.
She did not ask how much of it was actually hers. She did not check in with what wounds she may still be carrying herself, and where that rage was coming from for her.

Do you think Jane showed up in the best possible way, to make the biggest possible difference?

Moral of the story, CHECK.IN.WITH.YOURSELF.
If you don’t know where to start with helping to add healing to our current times, start with your own healing. I promise when you do that, the best ways to make a difference will start to show up right in front of you.

Stay calm. Stay objective. Heal. Show up more aligned.

If you need any support, please reach out.

Sending love, calm, and healing,
~Jenn N.
The Wayward Witch


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