Rediscovering the Ancient Roots of "New Age" Practices

Sometimes I get nudges from Spirit to make mention of things. As reminders. To empower others. To let us know it's all going to be OK.  

Through a series of repeated messages and many synchronicities, I feel the call to talk about the misconception of Ancient practices being  'new age' or 'woo woo'. 

In recent times, many practices labeled as "New Age" have gained popularity, often dismissed as modern trends.

However, these practices have deep roots in ancient traditions, embodying wisdom that has been passed down through millennia.

 Many of these practices are grounded in ancient history. The ancients were on to something. There is a reason they held ritual, followed the stars, and made herbal remedies. 


Manifestation Techniques: The Power of Intent

Manifestation, the practice of bringing desires into reality through focused intention, might seem like a modern concept.

Yet, ancient civilizations practiced similar techniques. For example, the Egyptians believed in the power of spoken word and symbols to influence reality.

SankalpaIn Hindu traditions, the concept of "Sankalpa" (a heartfelt resolve or intention) has been integral to spiritual practices for thousands of years, emphasizing the importance of clear, focused intent in achieving one's goals.

Here are some examples...(don't they sound like REALITY WRITING and POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS?) Yet it's an Ancient practice. 

I am peaceful and calm.
I am in perfect health.
I am committed to my spiritual growth.


 The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism: Stemming from ancient Egyptian teachings, the Kybalion states that "The All is Mind," meaning that the universe is mentally constructed.

This aligns with modern manifestation ideas that thoughts and intentions shape reality.


Ancient Greek Practice of Eudaimonia: Aristotle's concept of eudaimonia is often translated as "flourishing" or "the good life."

It involves aligning one's intentions and actions with one's true nature and virtues, much like the idea of manifesting one's best life through focused intent and personal development.

These examples show that the core principles of manifestation, such as focusing on intent and aligning with a higher purpose, are far from new—they are rooted in ancient wisdom across various cultures.

They are not woo woo or new age concepts. These are the teachings our Ancestors pass down to us. These are the teachings Spirit passes down to us! 

But it doesn't just stop at Manifestation. There is a treasure trove of ancient practices and healing modalities that we can use for our overall wellness, abundance, and well-being. 
I am not saying modern techniques or modern medicine don't have their place. What I am saying is we have our very own medicine bags full of practices, tools, and recipes that can be used to create a happier, more intentional, healthier, prosperous life. 

More people should know about them.


Ancient practices such as rituals have also been used for spiritual growth and connection. 

Ritual: Sacred Practices Across Cultures

Rituals, often seen as mystical or New Age, have been central to human cultures since prehistoric times.

From the elaborate ceremonies of the ancient Druids to the intricate Vedic rituals in India, these practices were designed to connect humans with the divine, the cosmos, and nature.

The Native American sun dance and the ancient Greek rites of Eleusis are examples of rituals used to seek spiritual enlightenment, healing, and transformation—paralleling many of today’s ritual practices.


Rituals have also been used across cultures as powerful tools for energy work and spiritual communication.

In many traditions, rituals are seen as sacred acts that create a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

For instance:

Energy Work: Rituals involving candles, crystals, and herbs are often used to cleanse, protect, and enhance personal energy. These rituals help in balancing chakras, clearing negative energy, and amplifying intentions.

Communicating with Spirits and Ancestors: Many ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians and the Mayans, used rituals to honor and communicate with their ancestors. These rituals might involve offerings, prayers, and the use of sacred spaces or altars. For example, in the Mexican tradition of **Día de los Muertos** (Day of the Dead), rituals are performed to honor the spirits of deceased loved ones, inviting them to visit the living during this time.

Shamanic Practices: Shamans across various cultures use rituals to enter altered states of consciousness, often with the help of drumming, chanting, or the use of sacred plants. These rituals allow shamans to communicate with spirits, ancestors, and other spiritual entities to seek guidance, healing, or protection for their communities.

Veneration of Ancestors in African Traditions: In many African spiritual traditions, rituals are performed to connect with the ancestors. This can involve offerings, libations, and specific invocations to seek blessings, guidance, or protection from the ancestral spirits.

These rituals, often passed down through generations, continue to be an integral part of spiritual practice, allowing individuals to connect with energies beyond the physical world and to receive insights, healing, and protection.


But let's not stop there. Lets talk about how we can support our physical health and wellness in more holistic ways....Also not new age. 


Herbal Medicine: Nature’s Ancient Pharmacy

Herbal medicine, now popular in holistic health circles, has been practiced for thousands of years.

The use of plants for healing dates back to ancient Egypt, where papyrus scrolls document the use of hundreds of herbs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, with roots over 3,000 years old, also emphasize the medicinal properties of plants.

These systems provided the foundation for many of the herbal remedies still in use today, demonstrating that this "New Age" practice is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom.



Working with Crystals and Stones: Earth’s Natural Energies

I find it interesting how some people who aren't typically interested in "New Age" practices will sometimes poke fun at those who work with crystals and stones.

It’s a reminder of how different belief systems can evoke a range of reactions, from curiosity to skepticism.

Yet, the use of crystals and stones for healing and manifestation is deeply rooted in ancient traditions, and many people today continue to find profound meaning and benefit in these practices.

The Sumerians, one of the oldest known civilizations, used crystals in their rituals and ceremonies.

Egyptians wore lapis lazuli, turquoise, and carnelian as amulets for protection and to attract health and wealth.

In ancient India, gemstones were used in Ayurveda for their energetic properties, believed to influence the body’s energy fields—a practice echoed in today’s crystal healing therapies.


Energy Work: The Life Force Within

Energy work, including practices like Reiki and chakra healing, is another practice that is often associated with New Age spirituality. However, the concept of manipulating energy fields has ancient origins.

The Chinese practice of Qi Gong, which focuses on cultivating and balancing the body’s vital energy (Qi), is over 4,000 years old. Similarly, the concept of "Prana" in Indian traditions, the life force that flows through the body’s chakras, has been central to yoga and meditation practices for millennia.


Astronomy and Astrology: Mapping the Heavens

Astronomy and Astrology, often intertwined in ancient cultures, are sometimes viewed as purely modern curiosities. Yet, these practices have ancient roots. The Babylonians were among the first to systematically study the stars, developing one of the earliest forms of astrology.

The Mayans, Egyptians, and Greeks also built entire systems of astrology and aligned their structures with celestial events.

These practices were used not only for predicting seasons and agricultural cycles but also for understanding human nature and fate—long before the term "New Age" existed.


What we often consider "New Age" is, in reality, a revival of ancient wisdom.

These practices have withstood the test of time, offering profound insights into the human experience.


You have an entire medicine bag of tools, practices, remedies, and recipes at your disposal to increase your overall health, wellness, and abundance. 

All is not lost. And your happiness is not out of your hands.  

By reconnecting with these ancient traditions, we not only honor the past but also tap into a deep well of knowledge that can guide us in our modern lives.


Embrace these practices with respect and awareness, knowing that you are participating in a timeless tradition of seeking connection, balance, and well-being.


Are you ready to embark on a journey illuminated by ancient wisdom, magic and the stars?

Join me in the exploration of energy work, ancestral healing, planetary magic, manifestation, and spiritual enlightenment.

Together, we'll forge a path towards manifestation that is both profound and potent.

Take the first step towards unlocking your cosmic potential and join me on this transformative journey.

Explore the Wayward Witch Library for more insights and wisdom on astrology, manifestation, and spiritual exploration.

Let the magic begin! ✨🌌🔮




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