
Do any of you struggle with presence?

I know I certainly have.
I can't tell you how many days I've wished away hoping for better ones to come. Years worth of days.

However, this is something I've recently really been focused and working on. I had no clue what presence looked or felt like. I really had to immerse myself in some great content, and start trying these concepts on.

The embodiment of presence is a big layer. I know presence has a big piece of the pie when it comes to manifestation, and feeling happiness, and joy.

There is also a line to dance between dreaming and envisioning your desires, but also being able to pull the frequency of those desires into the present with you, and begin to enjoy them now.

I have been doing an in depth exploration of the ideology that the only time that truly exists is now.

There is nothing we can do in any other moment but now.

We can not go back and fix the past, (although we certainly can clear out the cords and emotional triggers from it!).
We can not go do something tomorrow, when it is currently right now.

Living in the past or the future will only cause us pain, disappointment, and we will miss all the magic available to us right here and now. And there's way more available to us than we may have previously realized. Right now! We don't have to "qualify" for it. We make a choice to recognize it. We make it a part of our "now reality".

This was/is a concept that has taken me a long time to work through. And I still feel as if my body needs to play a little catch up. My mind understands these concepts now, my soul always understood them (but I am finally actually listening).
The next step is getting the body to catch up and really FEEL into now.

Who else wants to learn more about presence and fully embodying the magic of 𝐍𝐎𝐖?
Stick with me. I've got a ton to share on this subject. 


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