Your Current Reality

Everything in your present life is a manifestation of the past. 

Sit with that for a moment. Really feel into that, and what that means for you. 

And when you are ready, read on… this is actually exciting news! 

What this means, is that we have more confirmation that our thoughts truly to do create our reality. 


Simple Solution if you want to change your reality: 
Change your thoughts, and your reality will automatically begin to change, without you having to figure it all out, or force or push anything. 

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.
Time was something I have felt short on for a really long time.
I always hated having the constraints of a 9-5 job. Asking for time off? Ugh! The WORST!  
And of course, I always found myself in the most corporate high stress types of jobs. And then I found myself excelling at them all, even though I was miserable.
So, I'd climb up the ladder, but it was the kind of ladder where you take on a lot more work without the added pay or authority.
I hated every minute of it. I was dying inside. 
I knew I was meant for something completely different, and I had a soul desire to make an impact in the world. But I wasn’t doing it, instead I did what I hated for about 20 years.

My interest in the concept of law of attraction really began over ten years ago with books and theories like The Secret. I'd read a new book, try on a new theory or method, see a little change maybe, but eventually slip back into old beliefs and old patterns and my circumstances would not change the way I desired them to change. 

This cycle repeated again and again with each new theory, method, or book I read. 
Eventually I hit an emotional low one too many times and I realized the lows were getting lower.
On the last downward spiral, I just knew I had to do something. 
I upped my studies on spirituality, law of attraction, and eventually embarked on an in-depth shadow work journey.
I decided to allow myself to try on brand new thoughts and beliefs.

My thinking slowly began to shift. I saw way more possibility than I ever saw before. And for a while as I worked through all this brick by brick, there would be small changes in circumstances, and some big ones also, but the main source of my pain (feeling robbed of my time) was still present…Until one day it wasn't!!! 

I actually manifested myself the opportunity to leave that job! I received the biggest form of abundance I could- my time back! 

For years I was told by someone close to me that I was "money hungry" and selfish for wanting more. Years! And eventually I did believe that about myself, so that is what I continued to manifest. Until one day, I really didn't want to buy into that lame and untrue belief anymore. 

It wasn't even the money I really wanted. I thought I needed to make more money, so that I could eventually someday have more time, more freedom. 
Time is a HUGE form of abundance for me. But I never believed I would get any of it. Before I changed my beliefs, I always thought I would have to work corporate type jobs, doing soul sucking work, and just getting by financially. (how limiting!) 

But what do you know- I changed my beliefs, and before I knew it, my reality completely shifted! If you knew me at my last job, I was miserable! It was soooo far out of alignment for me, and I knew myself enough to know that no amount of forcing or healing in the world could make it feel like alignment. It was just time to move on. What’s the song.. You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away, And know when to run…”

I made the choice to change my beliefs, and I didn't give up on manifesting and the potentiality of creating a life I could love. In fact, my understanding of manifesting and possibility just continues to expand and go deeper, and get more magical, and just feels really freaking good now! 

I may have had some bad days throughout my journey, but my overall theology was that more had to be possible, and I was going to find out how to access it.
(In case you missed it at the beginning of this post, all I really had to do to access it was go within and start looking at my beliefs and thoughts).
Remember our favorite catch phrase around here- “Words are spells!”

Common thoughts I used to have were: “I am never going to get a better job than this.” “This is never going to change.” “I’m never going to have more time, more money, more adventure, more fun.”   
So, guess what I manifested for as long as I was willing to hold those beliefs? No opportunity to leave the job! No fun. No abundance.

When I changed the beliefs, my reality changed.

Now, I do understand that actually doing the shadow work of reprogramming thoughts, doing the abundance block clearing, and realigning thoughts, beliefs, and patterns can be the difficult part. But, that's where I come in. Stick with me friends. I have up leveled my manifesting game and am bringing that energy your way! 

Your invitation for today is to just start playing with the idea of possibility.
What else is possible that you have never allowed as a possibility before?

What do you have to lose by trying this theory on?
And more importantly, what do you have to gain???

I am living breathing proof that this “energy stuff” actually works.
If you knew what a mess I was prior to my shadow work and magic finding journey, you’d clearly see the changes.
I had trauma. I had heartbreak- and plenty of it. A ton of limiting beliefs.
I’ve been broke, I’ve been a young scared single mom. I came from a long family line of financial struggles.
I experienced disappointments and setbacks.
Betrayals, manipulation, addiction, and abuse.
Anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.
Trust me friends, I’ve tried on all the bad. Until I started trying on all the good. And my world gets a bit brighter, more magical, and more abundant all the time.
If I can travel that road, I know you can too.

And if you are ready and willing to show up for yourself and put in the work, I am here waiting to be your spiritual guidance counselor along your journey, for however long it is intended we work together. I will share everything I have learned, tried, and embodied. I will support you. I will hold council, and the lantern for you as you embark into your shadows.

If you are interested in working with me in any capacity, I have offers available for all budgets, interests, and needs. I just want to see you all living a life you love.

And you can also receive support from me in my free FB group, along with the support of my beautiful and amazing community. Come on over and join the magic!

Let’s co-create our reality so that we are living a life we are in love with!


50% Complete

Two Step

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