Communicating with Crystals

When I first began my Witchy magic making journey I started collecting crystals just to collect them. That's what new witches do right?

Some of those stones I would instinctively feel called to, although I may not have known why. Others I may have been drawn to because they were visually appealing. 

For a while I just sort of carried them around in my purse or put them in a bowl, or on a shelf. Eventually I began to learn more about them, used them with spell and ritual work, set intentions for them, and I ended up taking several courses about crystals and crystal healing. 

I knew lots of things about them, but I didn't necessarily feel anything from them...

Until I learned to energetically connect and communicate with them. I learned how to check in and ask if they want to come home with me, or work with me. I was taught to ask if they were ethically mined. 

Some are there to hold energy. Some are there to hold space or certain frequencies. Some are there to hold intentions, and some are there to clear. Some are there for physical, energetic, or emotional healing. Some of your crystals may hold messages, or be around to do a specific job with you. 

I have an absolutely lovely chunk of clear quartz that has been with me since the very beginning of my magic making journey. I couldn't tell you where or exactly when I got it, but I can tell you it is definitely one of those really special pieces. It has been around for pretty much every spell, every sacred bath, many of my meditations, and almost every product photo shoot! 

This one is a quiet one. It doesn't "speak" to me, I don't hear messages from it. But I do feel that pull to include it with my sacred and energetic work. I know it holds space, clears space, and reflects magic. 

One key component to communicating with your crystals is to slow your energy field down. Use the grounding and running your energy methods we have been teaching these past few months to slow your energy, and clear your field. 

Then much like when communicating with your loved ones on the other side, you can simply start asking questions. 

Do you want to work with me? Do you have a message for me? Are you here to work with me on something specific? Is there any wisdom you'd like to share? 

Ask your crystals anything you want! 

It may feel and sound silly to start talking to rocks. I know it did for me at first. But as I learn more about and build a deeper relationship with Earth Magick, I know everything is energy, everything has a resonance field, and you can get messages from pretty much anything and everything. 

Let me put it a different way, so maybe it won't seem so silly. Sometimes it's not the stone or an inanimate object talking to you. Sometimes it's spirit, your guides, or your loved ones using the object as another tool of communication or sending a message. Sometimes it's animal guides, or beings from the Telluric realm. And sometimes it is the resonance field and energy from the stone or object itself. 

The messages you get are not wrong. Allowing ourselves to receive the message without trying to explain it away as "just your imagination"- that is the difficult part about intuitive and energetic communication. 

But remember friends, imagination is one of the key ingredients in accessing your intuition. So have fun, try this out, and I implore you not to try and logic your way out of any intuitive messages that do come through for you. 

You are getting those messages for a reason. Honor them instead of making them a wrongness, so that way you can get even more! 

If you are interested in guided learning on this subject, I am so excited to announce registration is now open for the first mini class within the Earth Magick Conservatory- Communicating with your Spirit Guides. 
Learn more Here. 

Did you know, in addition to stones, and elements of nature that show up as little (or big) messengers on our journey, we also have many other types of guides? 
Some of these guides include:
Telluric Realm Guides
Ancestor Guides
Animal Guides
Angel Guides
Master Guides
Joy Guides
Galactic Guides
Guides to help with specific areas

And did you know...
Past versions of YOU will also show up as guides! 

Would you like to learn more about communicating with your spirit squad? 

Learn more here. 


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