Communicating With Loved Ones On The Other Side

Who wants to learn more about communicating and working with Spirit? 

For me, mediumship has been one of the most profound and beautiful skills I have learned to tap into throughout my journey.
The healing and the absolute love that spirit brings through for people is so deep and so profound. I have so much gratitude that I am able to help facilitate some of those messages. It can be such a deeply healing experience for people, and it brings me so much joy to witness.  
The fact that we can still see/hear/feel our loved ones in new and different ways after they pass, is so heart warming. 
It is an incredible experience to receive encouragement, guidance, love, or a kick in the butt where needed from loved ones who have passed.
My Grandpa was very stoic and quiet in the physical world, but has THE most loving, silly, and supportive energy of almost all spirits I have communicated with. He even shows up for my magical friends sometimes! I never knew that relationship with him when he was living, but I certainly know it now, and I absolutely love it. Sometimes he even helps me locate things, and sometimes he lectures me for having a messy work space in the first place. ;) Lovingly of course! 
Lesson #1 For communicating with spirit- This is a big one- Being in relationship with your body. 
I know this is a topic we harp on often here at The Wayward Witch. But, let me remind you why it is so important to be in communion with your body.
Last night as I was going to bed I started to get a pain in my hip. Now, I do have my own hip pains at times, but because I have a regular practice of grounding/clearing/running my energy through my field, I was able to recognize that it wasn't my own pain.
So I started asking questions. "Is this mine?" I got a no.
I also know that I have a rule that spirit is not allowed in my room at night unless it's family, or a family/friend emergency.
I was able to narrow it down that it had to be the spirit of a family member who was wanting to communicate, and so that led me to my next question- "Grandma is that you?"
And immediately I had some crazy twitching in about 10 different places from my hip down to my knee. When I said, "OK I get it. What's the message and who does it need to go to?' the twitching stopped. From there I was able to tap into my Grandmother's spirit and she had some beautiful messages for my Mom, who was able to give confirmation about the timing of the info.
I tell this story because when I was not in communion with my body, I would have all kinds of sensations. Sometimes shooting pains, sometimes it felt like someone would pinch me, or hit me with something, sometimes aching pains, sometimes it felt like a little electric shock somewhere in my body. It happened ALL.THE.TIME. And they would all be pains I would feel just once, and then never again. 
My family used to look at me like I was crazy and like I was just being dramatic, because multiple times a day I would be saying things like "Ouch! It feels like someone just pinched me!: or "Man, I feel like someone just hit me in the knee with a baseball bat". 
As soon as I was able to get into communion with my body, get to know and understand my own energy field, and I established a regular grounding and clearing practice, those sensations slowed down considerably. And now when I do have them, I know that my very first question is going to be, "Does this pain even belong to me?"  Questions #2  would be "Does this sensation I am experiencing belong to spirit or someone currently here in the physical world?" 
If you are ashamed of your body, constantly talking bad about it, or not even really occupying the space, you could be missing a lot of intuitive information that comes through. And you may have some distortions on the messages you do get. 

Ways to start getting in communion with your body: 
  • Start creating a self-love and body-love practice. (Don't give up on this- it's a journey and it does take a commitment to yourself). 
  • Start a regular energy maintenance routine where you are grounding, clearing, and running your energy through your field on a very regular basis. 
  • Start asking questions when you get weird sensations or any intuitive hits in the body. Is it yours, is it spirit, is it from someone walking past you in public? Is there a message?

And just in case you don't know, you never want to pass an unsolicited message along to a living person, if you do happen get a message for someone else. If you are not asked by the living person related to the message- don't do it! You could shock them, bump up against their beliefs, overwhelm them, or scare them. What you can do instead, is tell the spirit you are willing to help, but they need to bring the person to you and have them cross your path in some way where they are asking you or giving you permission to pass along the message.  

The hardest part about mediumship, (in my humble opinion) is trusting the messages and information that come through. Most of us have been taught that things like that were our imagination. 
But what they failed to tell us- Imagination IS actually a component of intuition! 
Where do you think some of the information that comes to your  your mind instantly, comes from? Do you really think you make ALL of it up? 
If you need support with self-love or getting into communion with your body, remember I have temporarily heavily discounted my one on one powerful healing sessions. The self-love, and body-love journey is one I have worked a great deal on. I believe I can help you do the same! 
Click here to learn more about a distant intuitive healing session:

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