Dreaming The Big Dreams

"If you can see it, you can BE it. 
There is nothing you can not have. 
Release control of how things should be and allow the universe to orchestrate the most incredible life full of miracles. 
Make sure you give thanks and celebrate all the tiny micro-wins, as the universe is showing you that it's all happening with little energetic breadcrumbs. 
Don't take them for granted- it's all happening! 
Take a look around and find evidence of it working! "
- From the Angels In Your Biz Oracle Deck 

"If you can see it, you can BE it". 
I love this, as this is a topic that has been coming up in Women's Circle for my Monthly Mastermind Group and in my Abundance Mastery & Reset Program. 
If you can envision something, if you have a desire, if you have a goal, or a dream- it's because it is something that is already available to you (and technically already happening if we want to get into quantum physics and illusion of time, but we can save that deep conversation for the AR& M program!) 

What I have been seeing happen way too often is most of us are not even allowing ourselves to dream the big dreams. 
The ones that come straight from our soul, but also the ones that may be so big, or so far from our current spot that it feels overwhelming even allowing the dream to come out of the dark. 

We dove deeper into this subject during my Financial Shadow Work Class last night, but this is such a big topic, I wanted to share some insight with as many people as possible. 

There is nothing worse than watching people not even allow themselves to dream big because of self-imposed limitations, fears, doubts, or overwhelm. And what's worse is that many people don't even realize those things are self-imposed. Meaning we have the power to change them, remove them, take them out of the shadows- and we don't even know it! 

Here is an excerpt from yesterday's Financial Shadow Work Course on allowing our dreams to come to the light: 

"One reason our really big heart centered dreams and goals may seem sooo far out of reach- even though it’s a super magical dream, is because you very likely haven’t allowed it to be a possibility, and more important you likely haven’t even allowed yourself to actually fully and truly dream the dream.

The other reason is we still (very subconsciously) carry fear that it will never actually come to fruition.

When this subconscious fear runs the show- that is exactly what we are going to experience by universal law.

The dream never coming to fruition.

 So it probably looks something like this- the dream comes to mind, feels amazing for all of two seconds, and then very quickly thoughts of “that is so far out of reach” or “I have no idea how I could ever accomplish that” or “I don’t think that’s in the cards for me” or “That’s really overwhelming to even think about.” set in. And then that dream of ours gets put right back in the shadows, hanging out behind the fear. "

The thing to remember about our dreams and goals, is that they were put into our heart and soul for a reason. And that they were placed there by you on a soul/spirit level. But you will never find out that reason in this physical world, if you don't even allow the dreaming to take place. 

REMINDER #2:  Remember what a disservice you are doing to yourself by not even allowing the dream/idea/goal to even see the light of day. Now that we know not only are our dreams/goals available to us, but that they were placed there on a soul level- we would really be dishonoring ourselves if we were to keep the dream in the dark, yes? 

REMINDER #3: When you begin to allow the dream to come out to the light, when you start entertaining the idea, ego/logic/shadow will try to kick in almost immediately. That overwhelm will want to set in. So you have to remember that just because you are feeling into the dream and allowing it to come up- doesn't mean you must have it all figured out now in order for it to come to fruition. 

No, no, no. 
And here's why with another BONUS REMINDER: One of the biggest things I have been on my soap box about lately is that we literally ONLY need to know our next step- for anything we are trying to accomplish. 
Our human side, our previous conditioning wants to throw us into instant 'doing', 'forcing', 'MAKING it happen' mode. Trust me, I get it. I am a recovering 'over-doer'. But operating that way creates chaos and repels what it is we are wanting to create. 

Sometimes your next step will appear to have nothing to do with the goal or dream you are working towards. But remember- things are happening on a quantum level once you begin to believe more fully in yourself and your dreams as not only possible, but as already available to you. The synchronicities will line up. The resources. The potential. It will all start dropping in as if by magic if you can get to this space. 

You could feel called to go take a shower, go for a walk, clean out a junk drawer, do some research, complete a task, make a call, and so on.  
You follow the intuitive hits breadcrumb by breadcrumb. 

And here is one more BONUS REMINDER to add to this magic. Living this way- following each intuitive pull as they come- this is a magic ingredient to being PRESENT. And I know many of us struggle with staying present. We tend to replay the past on repeat, or we borrow trouble by worrying about the future. We miss ALL of the magic that is in front of us. 

So you see how this can impact so many different areas of life?
All you need to know is what is the next step, and when you get those intuitive pulls- TAKE THE ALIGNED ACTION.
They will be leading you to the path of magic. But if you continue to ignore those pulls (like by worrying too much over needing to know the whole picture), you could continue to miss that path. 

So, for starters, allow the dream to take some shape. 
To gain some momentum. 
To increase in energy. 
To be seen. 
To be accepted. 
To be felt. 
To be honored. 

Then we will go from there. 
But if it never gets to see the light of day, then in return it will never materialize the way you want. 

P.S. If you want to continue that work in a supported and accelerated container (accelerated to the level in which you are ready and willing to show up for the work of course), consider joining us in either the Monthly Mastermind Group or in my Abundance Mastery & Reset Program which is now re-opened for registration! 

Sending lots of magic your way, 
~Jenn N. 


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