What do you do when you are afraid?

We spend so much time being afraid of fear.
Then we spend even more time being afraid of all the things that 'could go wrong' when it's time to make a decision. Especially if it's one that takes us out of comfort zone. 

Just facing the opportunity to make a decision about something, takes us out of our comfort zone.

Or as I like to call it, our comfort zone of discomfort.
But, the thing is, we know this place. We know all about how uncomfortable we are here. Even though it may suck, there is not an unknown here. We deal with that discomfort zone, because it's also one of comfort to us. 

So, we have this decision to make, and instead of making the decision from a space of trusting our soul,  we choose to dip into our shadow backpack, and conjure up and borrow all kinds of trouble from the future.

It starts with borrowing a little trouble worrying about how this decision could impact us tomorrow. That's not enough, so we conjure up a little more worry about what could go wrong next week. Then we start wondering how many people will it impact? My immediate family, my ex from five years ago, and even the mailman may get involved! 
Then we worry about what could go wrong the week after that, and then a month, and a year.  Before we know it, we are well into our 80's in our mind, working out how this one decision could screw you up for the rest of your life. 

At this point, there is no way we can trust ourselves to make a decision. All these things that could go wrong.  Nope. No sir, that's too many possibilities. We are now overwhelmed and anxious. 

And so...we stay where we are. 


But, the only problem is, that anxious, overwhelmed feeling doesn't really go away at that point, does it? 

Now, around this time is where we usually decide to give much meaning to this anxious overwhelm.
It must mean that the thing we desired is just not meant for us, right? (even though our soul's lit up and sung out for it). There's just too much that could go wrong. Nope, not possible. Shut it down....but not really because soul still really wants the thing. 

Now we've got the push pull going on. 

And THIS my friends is WHY we continue to feel anxious, and overwhelmed. 
It's not because of all the things our crafty little shadow made up that could go wrong. 
It's because your soul told you what could go right. 
But your shadow won the game. 

An inner tug of war is being waged. Civil unrest. The mind, the heart, the body, the soul, the shadow are all running in different directions and no one is working as a team. 

We have all witnessed massive impacts of civil unrest several times in our life. 

And you are over here doing the same thing within your own being? No wonder there is so much anxiety and overwhelm. 

Little do we know, everything our soul desires to experience, every circumstance it desires to change, or everything our soul craves to Be is all on the other side of our fears. 

The only reason we don't have it, is because we haven't yet said yes to it.
And I mean fully saying yes. Not the wavering back and forth between yes and no. 

When you say yes to soul, life says yes to you. 

We've got our Fall Are You Afraid Of The Dark, Soul Wealth Accelerator coming up next month, so naturally the topic of fear has been coming up a lot with my magic squad, and also within our own shadow work and leveling up work. 

Many of you also know I co-create with spirit all of the time. In my writing, in my courses, in my women's circle. I am always inviting spirit in to speak through me. 

I am often asking, 'what do I need to do, be, or say on this call today so that it is exactly what my clients and students need at this very moment for their activation, inspiration, abundance, healing, and transformation?' 

When I asked this question recently, I was given a few questions to ask you. I'd truly love to hear back from you on these questions that I am going to ask you to ponder. 

This would be a great journal prompt exercise as well to get you ready for the Fall Soul Wealth Accelerator program! (If you haven't sign up yet before the early bird pricing ends, you can do so HERE!)  

Here are the questions I'd love for you to start taking inventory of.

  • What do you do when your soul lights up about something, but then your fear steps in? 
  • Do you face them? Do you get curious about it? Do you ask the fear any questions? 
  • Or do you do all you can do avoid it?
  • Do you open the door wide and let it come in, take over, and run the show? Do you let it keep growing?
  • Do you collapse/do you freeze up? 

Now, spend a little time thinking about your process (without judgment here, we are simply doing a review!), and next lets look at what happens to your body, to your motivation, to your mind, to your spirit, to your abundance. 

  • Does your process support growth, transformation, and soul desire?
  • Or does it support the shadow? 

What if you reminded yourself that you are dishonoring your soul each time you let fear take over? Youch, that doesn't feel good to think about, does it? 

Is facing our fear scary? Well of course, otherwise we wouldn't avoid it so much. But what is even more scary to me, is spending any more time dishonoring my own soul and spirit. 

You know those things I always say- 
"Be mindful of first thought/second thought"
"You only need your next aligned action"
"Listen to intuitive thought and then take the inspired action"

These are all the practical application steps of "Face Your Fears." 
If you have been doing any of these things- even just some of the time- congratulations, you are already starting to face your fears.

It gets easier and easier to support your soul desires the more you actually do it. But if you never allow yourself to say yes to your soul desires and intuitive thoughts- all the things you want will never be given the opportunity to come to fruition. 

They stay in the shadows being guarded and imprisoned by your fear monster. 

So what's it going to be? 

Ready to take some inventory, and face some fears with us? 

Ready to learn what it means to find empowerment and to actually manifest with and through the fears? 

We invite you to join us in the Fall Soul Wealth Accelerator where we will be talking all about this subject.

It's time we stop putting the life we truly desire on hold, and we send fear to the time out corner permanently! 

You can lean more and join us here before early bird pricing expires! 



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