If you want the magic, you have to go find it or create it.

I had this message drop in, and then felt urged to share it.

“If you want the magic, you have to go f***ing find it or create it.” (and yes, the F word WAS included in this drop in message!)

Sometimes things do and will happen for us “as if by magic.”
But, if you are looking for that lasting, tangible magic- that’s going to be on you to create.  

The journey to magic requires inner work, shadow work, energy work, and body work.

You know- the whole Mind, Body, Soul thing?

It can feel like a daunting task, being at the very bottom of the magic mountain.

It’s really easy for people to say, “I don’t have time for that, it’s too much.”
And then these same people go on to live life on autopilot on the outside, and prisoners of their own mind on the inside. 
Why? Because they still desire the f*&^ing magic, that is why.

I know this because I was one of those people. And now I work with many of those people to push past that self-imposed prison. 

For years…YEARS, I felt like my circumstances were beyond my control to fix.

I fully believed I was stuck, and that things would never get better.
I believed I would need other people to save me.

I would even go into these loops where I would repeatedly check every social media or email app on my phone, hoping, praying, wishing someone would email me or message me,, offering some magic opportunity that would finally change my life. I’d check over and over and over all day long.

As you can guess, that magic never came.

I believed it would have to come from someone outside of myself, which means I was giving all my conscious creation power away.

For so long life seemed so dull, lacking and difficult. Something was majorly missing, yet I had no clue what. There was a piece of my soul trying to show me where the magic was, but it took a bit of a journey to finally see what I was being shown. 

The day I stepped foot into a metaphysical shop for the first time all those years ago, I just had this knowing of ‘Holy S*** I am home…and… I am MAGIC?!”   
Say whaaaaat?

After going down the witchy and then spiritual rabbit hole, I learned one very important thing.

If you want the magic- go out and get it honey.
Create it. Conjure it. Make it your own.
Make it whatever the heck you want it to be.

Be willing to learn, to experiment, to play.


The comfort zone isn’t keeping you safe, it’s keeping you small!

Get the hell out of there my friends. You will NOT find the magic, the healing, the abundance, or the life of your dreams inside that jail you have created for yourself.

The good news? You created it. You can tear it down. And you can rebuild something different.

There is nothing sadder to me than seeing so many amazing souls walking around with their power hidden away deep in the shadows of their comfort zones, not even realizing just how much magic they hold.

I LOVE walking with my clients and friends as they begin to activate their OWN brand of magic, and their conscious creation power.  

The power to create what you want. You have it. I have it. We all have it available to us.

But many choose the “easy” route. Staying in the comfort zone.

It does not matter how uncomfortable or small it’s getting. It is “safe”.
And so, we often choose to stay there instead.

Going on a pilgrimage to find your inner magic, empowerment, and manifesting ability is no easy trek.

It is a special type of energy- but not because it’s exclusive to specific people. Anyone can experience it.  
But not everyone chooses to. And that is OK, that could just be their journey.

What we need to worry about is ourselves, and what path we desire to forge.

If you are choosing to understand your own shadows, and your own energy, and your own magic, and you are breaking up ancestral patterns, choosing something different than those that came before you, and you feel like a black sheep- let me tell you my friend…You?

You are a f***ing Pioneer!

And you have a whole tribe around the world of diagnosed black sheep's forging similar trails.
You are not alone.

You are blazing a new path.
Do you know where that path is headed?
Straight up to the top of your own brand of a magic mountain.

But if you are not choosing that, and you are asking yourself where all the magic is, I say to you, it’s time to go out and find it and create it.

You are the one that is going to save you.

P.S. We do a lot of work together inside my Wayward Magick Academy which is currently on sale, back to FOUNDER’S PRICING!
We have been creating an amazing tribe of souls who are actively participating in their quest to find their magic, and to re-imagine our life.

I will soon be launching a group coaching program that will be focused on sisterhood and living life by Soul Design!
We will focus on intuition building, magic making, empowerment, manifesting, and conscious creation. And I am running the beta launch for FREE inside the academy!

If you are looking for tribe, for your magic, and more intentional manifesting, it all happens inside my academy!

I was once that lost soul hoping someone would bring the magic to me.

But now, I just go out and find it and create it, and have experienced a lot of soul sister relationships, a lot of magic, a ton of synchronicity, amazing relationships with spirit and my soul, better health, empowerment, and I do a lot more of what I want to do than I ever would have before!

You can learn more, get in on an amazing sale (I have added SO much to the membership since we first had founder’s pricing, tons of value inside) and the magic- click HERE!

Sending all the empowerment and magic your way,
Jenn N.


50% Complete

Two Step

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