Ever been caught in the crossfire of what your heart wants, and what your logical mind says?

Here's the way out.

We've all been there—caught in the crossfire of conflicting desires.

On one side, your heart yearns for something, whether it's a dream job, a loving relationship, or a daring adventure. On the other side, your logical mind chimes in with doubts, fears, and practical considerations. It can be a battle of epic proportions, leaving you feeling stuck and torn.


So, how can you navigate this internal tug-of-war and find a way out?
Let's explore some strategies to help you harmonize your heart's desires with your logical mind.

1. Understand the Roles of Your Heart and Mind

To find balance, it's essential to understand the roles of your heart and your logical mind. Your heart is the seat of your emotions, passions, and intuition. It guides you toward what brings you joy and fulfillment. On the other hand, your logical mind is responsible for analyzing situations, assessing risks, and making practical decisions. Neither one is inherently right or wrong; they simply have different functions.


2. Align Your Heart and Mind

The first step in finding your way out of this conflict is to create alignment between your heart and your logical mind. Start by acknowledging your heart's desires without judgment. What is it that you truly want? Next, engage your logical mind to assess the feasibility and potential challenges of your desires. This process helps you gain clarity and a realistic perspective.


3. Break It Down into Actionable Steps

Once you've clarified your desires and assessed their practicality, break your goals down into actionable steps. This approach allows you to address your heart's desires while accommodating your logical mind's concerns. By setting achievable milestones, you can make progress without feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of your dreams.


4. Cultivate Self-Trust

Building trust in yourself is crucial to finding your way out of the crossfire. Trust your intuition and the wisdom of your heart to guide you toward what truly aligns with your authentic self. Simultaneously, trust your logical mind's ability to make informed decisions and solve problems when obstacles arise. The more you trust yourself, the less intense the internal conflict becomes.


5. Embrace Adaptability

Life is ever-changing, and your desires may evolve over time. Embrace adaptability and be open to adjusting your goals as needed. Your heart's desires and your logical mind's assessments may change as you gain new experiences and insights. By remaining flexible and open, you can navigate the shifting landscape of your aspirations.


6. Seek Support and Guidance

 Sometimes, it's helpful to seek support and guidance from others. Talk to like-minded friends, mentors, or a coach who can provide valuable perspectives and insights.
They can offer advice, share their experiences, and help you see your situation from different angles.


The crossfire between your heart's desires and your logical mind's concerns is a common human experience.

It's not about choosing one over the other but finding a way to harmonize them.

By understanding their roles, aligning them, breaking down your goals, cultivating self-trust, embracing adaptability, and seeking support, you can navigate this internal conflict and find a path that resonates with your authentic self.

Remember, your heart and mind can work together to create a life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and balance.

As a manifestation coach, psychic medium, and someone who has been diving deep into manifestation for the past eight years, I know what works and what doesn't. I know what will work for you and what won't. (Manifestation is not always a one-size fits all approach by the way.) 

I know how to manifest more of the things I love.
Big things like my dream boat of a husband. Or the dedication needed to go on a healthy weight loss journey. Real estate and home renovations.
I've also manifested hundreds of little things. Like an adorable pair of spooky shoes I've been wanting, and finally added to my manifestation list. Now I have three pairs for the price of one- as soon as it went on my manifestation list!

What I am trying to say is manifesting with me WORKS! 


To work 1:1 with Jenn, Intuitive Manifestation Coach click here:



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