Lessons from Spirit: The Power of Openness in Mediumship Readings

Welcome to the third installment of our "Lessons from Spirit" series, where we embark on a journey of spiritual exploration and discovery through the wisdom I have gained from Spirit as a Medium. 

Today let's delve into a fundamental principle that is vital for anyone seeking insight and guidance from the spirit world: the importance of approaching a mediumship reading with openness.


Why Openness Matters.

1. Release Expectations:
One of the first lessons from spirit is to release the expectation of what you think you need to hear. Spirit operates from a vantage point that transcends our earthly perspective. They see the bigger picture, and their guidance is designed to provide you with the keys and energy to focus on, rather than simply fulfilling preconceived notions.


2. Different Perspectives:
Spirit has a much different perspective than we do. They offer guidance that aligns with our highest good and spiritual growth, which may not always align with our immediate desires or wishes. Approaching a reading with openness allows you to receive the wisdom that serves your spiritual evolution.


3. Guidance, Not Exact Answers:
Spirit rarely provides us with exact answers, as their role is to lead and guide rather than dictate our choices. They respect the essence of free will. Instead, they empower us with insights, options, and possibilities, leaving the ultimate decisions and actions in our hands. (Frustrating at times, the human in me knows!)


Avoiding Projected Expectations.

When we enter a reading with specific expectations, we often project our desires onto the medium, creating a filter that can obstruct the flow of wisdom, energy, support, and insight from spirit.

If we expect a spirit to validate their favorite flower or give us a predefined sign, we limit the scope of the reading.

It's crucial to understand that if a particular piece of information or sign doesn't surface during a reading, it doesn't diminish the validity of the connection with spirit.

Spirit's primary purpose is to provide guidance that serves your spiritual growth, and sometimes the information you anticipate may not be the most potent or relevant advice for you in that moment.


The Role of Faith and Trust.

A critical aspect of openness in mediumship is having faith and trust. That doesn't mean you have to blindly trust in the medium or person giving you a reading. This trust extends to the messages and insights that you yourself also receive from spirit. It's about tuning into what feels like truth to you, believing in the authenticity of your intuitive experiences and the guidance they offer.

When you connect with spirit, whether through a medium or your own intuition, trust that the messages you receive are genuine and not mere figments of your imagination. Spirit communicates with you in a language unique to your soul, and learning to recognize and trust this communication is a valuable skill on your spiritual journey.


In conclusion, approaching spirit communication with openness is a profound act of surrender and trust. By releasing expectations, understanding spirit's different perspective, and embracing guidance over exact answers, you open yourself to receive the wisdom, love, and support that the spirit world has to offer.

Stay tuned for more enlightening "Lessons from Spirit" in our upcoming blog posts.


To book a reading with Jenn, go here: https://www.waywardwitchco.com/offers/6DEVTBni



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