Living an Enchanted Life, Allowing the Daily Magic.

When you choose to step into a life of alignment, empowerment, and magic- that is exactly what you experience in return. 

I have moments of magic flow into my life each and every day. 

Beautiful connections to amazing souls. 
Moments of clarity that lead to experiencing the next level of self. 
Abundance flowing in from all areas in such unique and magical ways. 
The experience and connection that comes with working with spirit and guides, and our loved ones on the other side. 
All of the sacred moments. 
All of the healing. 
All of the ways you begin to follow your joy. 
And lets not forget one of my favorite things- the infinite flow of major synchronicity that just happen all the time.

Life begins to feel so enchanting!
You learn to embrace all of the shadows, set all of the loving boundaries, and cultivate a beautiful relationship with your soul.

And it all starts with just a clear intention that you are ready to embrace those shadows and you are willing to follow all those joys.

I've worked with enough clients now to very clearly recognize our common pain point.
It's one we all share, or have shared at some point in our life. 
It was the exact reason I too was experiencing zero magic in my life six years ago and back. 


When you change that- your life shifts in the most amazingly aligned and abundant ways. 

So, that is basically the space I like to embody and operate from as much as possible. 
And the magic is REAL my friends. I live it every day. 

And I wanted to share part of my series of Wayward Adventures, and one of the really fun ways magic, guidance, and spirit show up in my daily life, basically what daily magic looks like for this wayward witch.  

My Tarot and Oracle cards will sometimes give me readings as I go to sleep. 
I will get a specific card that comes to mind, and be told what deck to look at. 
When I was in Sedona at our healing retreat February 2020, each night I was going to sleep I was given a specific animal and instructed to use the Spirit Animal Oracle deck to look up the meaning the next mornings. (Some of the animals that came through were Eel, Elephant, Skunk). And the messages that each of these animals brought were all very connected, relevant, and thought provoking. 
It was really neat that it happened multiple nights in a row! 

Well last night I was getting ready to close my eyes and very specifically saw/had a knowing of the Akashic Tarot Deck.
I even "saw" right where it was located in my card deck library (which consists of over 30 decks by now). 

And immediately after that, I got the "Six Of Scrolls" card. 

Ok, noted, I will look that up in the morning, thank you. 

So, I finally get around to pulling the deck out this morning and the very first card was the Six Of Forces card- right on top of the guidebook, and the rest of the cards were under the guidebook. 

The Six of Forces has a picture of a beautiful waterfall on it. 
And what is synchronistic about that, is just moments earlier I was talking to my magic squad about how I was feeling called to work with more water energy again.
Water was a big part of one of my last major transformations.
So for it to show up just as I was saying I would like to work with it again for another big layer of transformation- how special for it to just pop right up for me! 

***For those of you that haven't heard my story about working with the element of water before, to quickly summarize:
It was an extremely magical and transformational experience on a trip, down by the side of a flowing creek with my higher self, the essence of water, and my guides.
It was a really real moment, and after that I came back from that trip, increased my levels of abundance, my business began to grow more, I lost 41 pounds (simply by mindful eating and more movement), and began to love myself at whole new levels! 

 And going back to the first card that was given to my as I was going to sleep, the Six Of Scrolls- Brings the message of "The Sands Of Time". 
It is a powerful reminder for me that I have the ability to bend space and time (as do all of you!)
I am not confined to the constructs of time like I thought I was for my entire life. 
With my beliefs, my intentions, and my words, I can experience having "All The Time In The World".  
It is no easy thing to wrap your mind around this theory or belief, trust me I know. 
But when I stepped into this magical world, I did so with an open mind, and the willingness to try on something new each time it had a resonance for me. 
So that's what I do. 
I try theory on. 
I try energy work on. 
I experiment. 
I learn what resonates, I leave what doesn't. 

And this card is a reminder for me to continue on in that space. 

You see, another piece of daily magic is when you begin to develop relationships with guides, spirit, and higher self- and actually LISTEN to the messages they are sharing, you will get synchronistic guidance and support along the way.

And I am blessed that anytime I start worrying about "time"- (as in, I've gotta get this done, this needs to happen now, how long is this going to take, etc), my guides show up in different ways to bring me those reminders of how powerful I am, and therefore I don't need to sit in that space of worry, contraction, or lack! 

We ALL get these messages- most of us just don't listen, overlook, ignore, or go back into comfort zone. 
But when you are willing to stop, take a pause, listen to the message, try something brand new, and then trust your intuition- that my friends is where you begin to live an enchanted life full of daily magic that comes in all the unexpected and fun synchronistic ways. 

We can live our lives looking for evidence of what could go wrong, or needing to control every single thing, orrrrrrr we can live in a state of daily magic, abundance, and alignment. 

It's all in what kind of evidence we look for daily. 

So, I invite you to start opening up more to where you can experience everyday magic in your life. 

The magic is there, but are you looking for it? 

~Jenn N. 
The Wayward Witch


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