Manifesting Lifestyle

 The word manifest, or law of attraction methods have been thrown around the spiritual and metaphysical community often. 


But there is something that is missing in much of this teaching. 


Without the missing tools, you may even feel more shame than abundance when using methods like the law of attraction. 


I’ve seen some spiritual teachers even tell you to write down your affirmations 55 times five days a week…. And trust me I’ve tried ALL THE THINGS.  


Let's be real here; If you are missing the boat on the mindset work, writing your affirmations down 55 times a day is just going to leave you feeling like crap. Your mind and thoughts are going to counteract your affirmations with every word you write. 


Then you start thinking something is wrong with you, or that manifesting won’t work for you. 


And that’s simply not true. And I’d hate for you to give up on manifesting the life you want, when it’s so available to you. 


I have spent the better part of the last 6 years trying literally every single manifesting tip, trick, or habit there is. I have signed up for every manifestation class, course, coaching, method, meditation, spell, ritual, activity there is. And I found the missing pieces in most of these methods and practices.


I discovered what should be used as manifesting “vitamins and supplements”, and where the REAL lasting manifesting power is. 


I’ve learned to manifest through some of the more traumatic or heartbreaking moments of my life. I’ve learned to manifest when things are slow and stagnant and I am feeling stuck. And I’ve learned to manifest when things are great. 


I’ve also discovered what gets in the way of my manifesting power and what enhances it. 


I know when I am in my power, and I know when I am not. 


I know how to dance in and out of those frequencies at will.  (Hey, sometimes shadow wants her moment, and I know how to allow her to have her moment without completely breaking down for long periods of time, and I know how to step back into my power quickly.)


My Abundance Reset & Mastery program, and my upcoming brand new Manifesting Blueprint course was created to save you time, energy, effort, money, and frustration. 


I’ve spent thousands and thousands of dollars, and six years worth of deep research learning how to manifest. 


I’ve changed my finances, my relationships, my reality, my experiences through powerful manifestation. I know how to get what I desire. And I know how to feel worthy of receiving-  Insert abundance block #1 here! So many of us have beautiful desires, but block the receiving of those desires, because our subconscious and shadow believe we don’t deserve all those wonderful things. And because these beliefs are held in our subconscious, unless we are paying mindful attention, we don’t even realize they are there and stopping us every step of the way. Then we become frustrated and want to throw in the towel and then we stay in our miserable comfort zones of discomfort.  


In my new course that will be taught exclusively inside AR&M, we will be breaking down and decoding the constructs within programs like the law of attraction. We will pull out the pieces that work, and leave the components that don’t. 


We will walk together as you begin to clear out the subconscious and conscious abundance blocks, and begin to create your own Manifesting Lifestyle that is perfectly tailored to YOU. 


I hope you join me. 

This work changed me life, and I know if you show up for it, it will change yours too. 


See you on the inside.
And there's also a REALLY GOOD sale right now where you can get ALL my content for one low price:



And if you aren’t quite sure where you are at in your manifesting lifestyle, try this free quiz to learn your current manifesting archetype:


And if you feel weighed down by all the “rules” there are out there, check out my FREE Manifesting Myths Debunked guide:

And if you want to learn about manifesting spell work I’ve got two more free resources!
I talk a lot about manifesting in my How To Do Spell Work free training:

And I talk about manifesting in my Planetary Magic free training:


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