Want to know another ingredient to my manifesting potion?
This is a main ingredient, or the potion will not work properly.
If the world is images and thoughts of our mind manifested- that means we must have thoughts of possibility in our mind and project them out.
In other words, if you aren’t allowing for possibility for the thing you wish to manifest, it has very little chance to manifest into physical reality.
Let’s say you are manifesting a job change or a new relationship, but your most dominant and recurring thoughts are things like:
“I’m never going to be able to leave this job. I have no idea how this is possible? I am too afraid to leave this job. I’m too old/inexperienced/tired/not enough to have my dream job.”
“I’m never going to meet a good partner. I have never had a good relationship and probably never will. It’s so hard to meet someone. I am so lonely. I don’t love myself, but want to find someone who does love me.”
You are going to manifest more of what you think about.
So, you can see where possibility becomes a very important ingredient to your manifesting potion.
And when we are deep in shadow, it can be REALLY difficult to allow for possibility. Trust me, I totally get it! I’ve been deep in that trench before!
If you are in that space- that’s ok! You CAN start manifesting from here. I know that, because I began manifesting things, as I simultaneously began working through my shadows.
Even if you don’t yet fully know the manifestation is possible, can you at least allow for the possibility that it COULD be possible?
When you find yourself saying ‘there’s no way this is going to work out for me, I have no idea how to make it happen’, re-pattern that story with some questions to yourself.
“But… What if it COULD be possible? What if my dreams COULD actually come true? What would that look like?”
And if you want to turn up the dial on that line of questioning, my personal favorite is:
Check in with your mind.
Are you desiring something, but not really allowing for the possibility of the thing?
Example, look out for thoughts of: “I want it….but can’t really have it because XYZ reasons..”
To learn more about Manifesting, check out my powerful Abundance Reset & Mastery immersion program! (I am going to be launching a new course for this space where I will be giving you my entire blueprint for manifesting. Including the mindset the mundane, and the magical components of manifesting! Join this space here and get automatic access to the upcoming program (Will be released in March).