Ready for the third  ingredient to my manifesting potion?
This is another main ingredient, and works side by side with Manifesting Tip #2- POSSIBILITY.  



Specifically sanctuary of the mind. (Hint: Bringing the tools together, when we start to become intentional with our thought and energy currency, and we start to  bring in possibility for our manifestations, we are already beginning to grid sanctuary space). 


If you want to boost and accelerate your manifestations, creating a sanctuary in your mind is a sure way to do that. 


To create sanctuary of mind means to: 


  • Do the shadow work around anything standing in the way of allowing the manifestation to take place. Common shadows will be around abundance, deservingness, receiving, possibility. 
  • Step into faith (and re-step into it again and again) that your manifestation is not only possible and available, but is already done! You’ve just got to choose it, and keep re-choosing. 
  • Make decisions from that space of “This manifestation is done”. 
    What would the next level version of you, the one that has already manifested the thing you desire, decide and do? 

Sanctuary of mind means we spend more time in possibility, in thoughts that actually make us feel good, and less time in shadow town. 


Sanctuary of mind will almost always require a re-pattern. We usually spend so much time in shadow town, that becomes our automatic operating procedure. It becomes the running program. So, mindfulness of our thoughts will be important in the process. 


When I was working on this repattern process myself, manifesting sleep hypnosis and guided meditations were SUCH a sanctuary for my mind!
The best part is- it’s OK if you fall asleep! (I always did). 
This is for your subconscious work anyway! 


Listening to these meditations was such a reprieve from what went on in my mind, feelings, and belief system at the time. I got to leave shadow town for a bit. It was lovely. 


This was a pivotal “vitamin” to my sanctuary of mind regime. 


I was so full of shadow, limiting beliefs, self-judgments and fears that no amount of affirmations, or any other law of attraction tool alone would do the trick.
I had to immerse myself in the energy of possibility. I had to focus on re-programming my thoughts and energy. Remember, our world is images and thoughts of the mind manifested. If what we focus on is what we experience, I had to learn to shift my focus. I had to find a way to permanently transfer that focus to what I DID want, rather than all the things I did not want. 


It took much more than just listening to these meditations of course.
But this allowed me to start the work on the subconscious mind as I was laying down to sleep or rest. 

Another benefit was that it also helped me to create a vision of what I TRULY desired.
I was so full of all the thoughts of what I did NOT want, that it was hard to even recognize what I did want. 


These meditations helped me start to paint that picture for myself. And then it became a really enjoyable space to tap into. 

You see, throughout this process I was gridding a space for my desired reality.
I was writing the code for it. I was tuning in, and starting to feel it from within- before it physically manifested in any way! I learned to radiate these feelings from within, which allows for fast and powerful reflection without.  (Which is another Manifesting Pro Tip you’ll see soon!) 


When it comes to creating a sanctuary of mind for yourself, start to explore.
Find what works. Find the spaces in time where you tap into possibility, and peace of mind.
And then add it to your Manifesting Medicine Bag.
And then pull out all medicine and vitamins when it comes to your manifestation process. 

Here are some of my go-to sleep hypnosis and guided meditations that I’ve listened too along my Abundance Shadow Work and Manifesting Journey: 

This meditation was THE sanctuary for me! I hated my job with every ounce of my being! It was one of the catalysts for me learning about manifestation in the first place. I loved listening to this meditation as I went to sleep. I probably listened to this almost every night for a good two years!
And it was really fun to see how my vision changed and progressed along the journey.

I loved listening to this one on my lunch break. I went from eating with others (who were all complaining the entire break anyway), or scrolling on social media to going somewhere by myself (like my car), and would close my eyes, settle in, and listen to this hypnosis. Another one I listened to regularly for a year or so.

This is another one I used to help me create my desired world.






To learn more about Manifesting, check out my powerful Abundance Reset & Mastery immersion program! (I am going to be launching a new course for this space where I will be giving you my entire blueprint for manifesting.  Including the mindset the mundane, and the magical components of manifesting! Join this space here and get automatic access to the upcoming program (Will be released in March). 

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