MANIFESTING TIP #6 Manifesting Momentum For Change


Whenever there is something you want to change- a belief, your mindset, patterns, behaviors, toxic relationships, abundance levels- whatever it may be, that can be a very daunting task.

We start with a nice jump start of motivation, and then programming, life, and the mundane get in the way, and we find ourselves right back in our old pattern/mindset/habit/lack. 

Then we often add a shadow layer to that by adding on shame for not changing the thing. For not being different than you were two days ago.

I have found the key ingredient that helps me to keep the manifesting/intention train moving anytime I want to change a pattern or a belief.

I first start with calling in and manifesting the MOTIVATION to change the thing. I call in the sacred self-discipline.
Because let’s face it, nobody can make these changes for us. 

No one can complete our manifestations for us. 


Change requires discipline- but I am not always a huge fan of that word. It reminds me of the “bro-marketing” type of coaches who are like-  “F*** yo' feelings, just do the thing!” 


So that is why I call in SACRED self-discipline to help me focus on my sacred work.
To me, my highest alignment and joy is my sacred work.  

Manifesting something big can be overwhelming. 

And if you know me at all, you probably know what I am about to say next. 

When it comes to manifesting- WE ONLY NEED OUR NEXT STEP. 


But what happens is, people focus on needing that manifestation to happen and it needs to happen now. It’s magic after all, right? 

Wrong! (Partially). 

Things happen to me as if by magic all the time.

But I am also not just sitting here passively waiting and waiting, and begging my guides and spirit and the universe to give me what I want. 

(I sssoooo used to do that, but that was before my shadow work journey.) 


If you want to manifest anything- your aligned action WILL be required. Your active participation is a must. 


But that doesn’t mean you have to go out and force, and make it all happen now, and work yourself into a tizzy about it.  


When you want to manifest something you first get clear on what it is you truly desire.
You contend with the shadows and fears that come up along the way.

And in terms of where to get started, all you have to do is attune to each of your next aligned actions, and then actually take that action step.  


So going back to my original point when we want to manifest change, but we are so overwhelmed with just how much needs to change- take a deep breath and zoom out for a minute.

The first thing you need in order to make changes, is the sacred discipline, the motivation, and the inspiration to dedicate ourselves to the manifestation process.  


Anytime I start with calling in the inspiration or sacred discipline to do my part in creating the change- it always works out. 


So, you start with having your end result in mind, your desired manifestation.
But then we must zoom out and we start at the bottom of the ladder. 

That bottom step is where we conjure up sacred dedication and discipline to even show up for the change in the first place. 


And that’s how it gets to be “easy”. 

That’s how change begins to happen seemingly as if by magic. 


But it’s not all magic is it?  It’s not necessarily the change we need to manifest, it’s the discipline to show up and create the change. 


In order to keep the manifesting train moving, and not get overwhelmed, this is always always how I start. 


I have used this method for manifesting change in the following areas: 

  • My diet, weight, and conjuring up a healthier lifestyle.  
  • How active I am and how much exercise and movement I engage in. 
  • The discipline to change my mindset to an abundant one.
  • How I show up in relationships of all kinds. 
  • How I show up in business. 
  • How active I was in creating friendships and experiences. 
  • I’ve conjured up bravery and confidence to help with the transition process of any change. 
  • I’ve conjured up self-confidence and self-love. 

And that’s just to name a few.

This is the best way I have found to eliminate overwhelm and anxiety during any habit/pattern/behavior/belief change or transition. 


Don’t try to manifest the whole dang thing at once.
Start with conjuring up a little motivation, sacred discipline, bravery, perspective shifts.

THEN your next aligned action toward the manifestation will present itself seemingly as if by magic.  





We will be starting the Manifesting Magic program inside AR&M with some really expansive rituals and tools that will immediately begin to shift your perspective and experience with abundance and manifestation.
Inside this brand new program, we will have:
💚 Manifesting Mindset Work
💚 Magic Manifesting Work (lots of manifesting activity, correspondence, spells & rituals, divination, & immersion)
💚 Activation
💚 Manifesting Coaching
I am so excited to get this course started, as Manifesting Magic has completely changed my ENTIRE world, and I love sharing that with others.
What an abundant and expansive space to hang out in!
Not only do you get a brand new Manifesting Magic course, but you get access to the entire Manifesting Vault that is already available to you inside Abundance Reset & Mastery.
Learn more and sign up at the link below.
Three different payment options available.



 In case you haven't seen this yet-  I am giving away my Manifesting Magic Cauldron workshop for just $5?! This is a five day workshop designed to help you conjure a wealth mindset in an accelerated way. With a couple of bonuses mixed in too of course! 
You can get the Manifesting Magic Cauldron for just $5 here:


And if you aren’t quite sure where you are at in your manifesting lifestyle, try this free quiz to learn your current manifesting archetype:


And if you feel weighed down by all the “rules” there are out there, check out my FREE Manifesting Myths Debunked guide:


And if you want to learn about manifesting spell work I’ve got two more free resources!
I talk a lot about manifesting in my How To Do Spellwork free training:

And I talk about manifesting in my planetary magic free training:


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