Down The Manifesting Rabbit Hole We Go

I just received a nice little download from spirit the moment I sat down to do some reality writing/manifesting.

The information in this blog contains some of the downloads, mindset work, and information from spirit (my manifesting guides as I like to call them) from the last year or two. 

If you are ready to think a little deeper, a little bigger, and get some new perspective read on! I go down these manifesting rabbit holes often, and I always find them to be quite transformative and abundant! 


A I was writing about my dream life, I was thinking about the subconscious fears we carry when it comes to major up-levels in our life. The fears that come up when we think about those really big dreams. The dreams and goals that feel so unattainable, even though we can't help but continue to want it anyway.
The dreams that sometimes have you feeling trapped because you want it so bad, but it feels so far off. So unavailable. 

But you just can't stop desiring it anyway. 

What's that dream for you?   

Example, I was thinking of how scary it could be to go from five figures to, lets say eight figures seemingly overnight. I desire it, but am I really ready for it? 

Some of the questions that go through my head when I think of waking up a multi-millionaire are: 

Would I know how to manage it correctly?

Am I prepared to properly prepare for taxes with that kind of money?

If I had a high-tech home, would I even know how to operate in my own house? 

Would I properly care for a dream home? 

Would some of my friends or family feel triggered by me? 

Would people talk bad about me? ..I could keep going. 


I'd like you to think about one of those really big outlandish dreams you have. 

Pull it up in your mind. 

And now imagine it manifested overnight. You literally have this thing when you wake up tomorrow morning. Really imagine what that would be like. Yes, it would be amazing...but....what fears are there when you think about it happening that fast? 

What are some of the first few thoughts or questions you have for yourself when you think of that happening?

Are any of those thoughts fear based? What do you first start worrying about? 


These fears I am asking you to identify are not the fears that run at the forefront of your mind on a regular basis. They aren't the daily fears you know all too well about. 

These are the fears that slink around in the shadows, whispering quietly in your ear as you get closer to your manifestations. 

 So, getting back to the download I received, what I heard was: 




The message I am getting from spirit is we need to release the worry of Am I ready to be that person?”, and to just decide to slide into that role when it is time.

Decide that if you did wake up tomorrow to a multi-million dollar bank account, you will step into the role of millionaire.

Of course you are going to learn along the way! 
We’ve been doing that our ENTIRE lives.  You’ve literally been learning along the way since the day you were conceived. (And way beyond that on the quantum level).

So, what makes learning to handle your dream life/dream goal/dream bank account any different?


 Just decide it. Step into it. One step at a time. (These one single steps you take can be giant quantum leaps at a time, that IS possible too!) 

 And when you decide that you are capable of making that decision, you have already stepped into a new reality. 

And if you show up for that mindset every single day, you are literally manifesting a new reality in every moment.
Isn’t that nice? You DON’T have to have it all figured out in order to be deserving or to know how to properly manage or care for your dream life.
You simply have to decide you will be that person, starting now.
You will learn along the way. 

Then the next step is to ask yourself each and every day:
What can I learn today that will get me one step closer to my dream life?
What mindset do I need to have to support it?
What decisions can I make today that will help it to materialize?

One step at a time.

You never need the whole picture at once. You never need ALL the answers, ALL the pieces before it will happen.
You just have to decide you will be that person. 

That is all you have to do at this point. Just make the decision.
Then of course, you must begin to layer that with aligned action everyday. That’s another big topic too, we will save that for another lesson!

LAYERED BELIEFS (when it comes to manifesting wealth/abundance/money): 
Layer all that with the belief that money is just exchange and we literally just create more money all the time, and you are well on your way to manifesting! 

Think of how much of the world’s wealth is actually an electronic figure. A series of computer code put into some technology.
It’s not REALLY physically there, now is it? There is not an equal number of electronic money to physical money.
Not to sound all conspiracy, but the majority of our money is electronic and not physical.
Electronic or physical, money is simply our current means of exchange.
Backed by collective belief and entanglement.

And let me tell you my friends, spirit took me on quite the journey one day showing me the entire world being built thought by thought, brick by brick. (But in a cliff’s notes summarized really quick version, you could say.) 

What my guides were trying to convey to me was that money did not build the world.
Our innovation, our manpower, our hands, our dedication, our beliefs- THOSE components are what built the world. 


Money was just the exchange for said innovation and manpower. If there was a different exchange, the world would still get built. It would still evolve. It would still innovate.

 If we still bartered and traded, we’d still experience abundance and wealth along the way. 

If the collective belief and entanglement was that rocks and sticks were money, we’d be exchanging, working for, worrying about, and stealing rocks and sticks, instead of stealing money. Or stealing electronic code that makes up someone’s bank account.

I know that is a hard concept to wrap your mind around.
You may think to yourself rocks and sticks would never be considered as wealth.
But the point is, whatever the collective belief is about “money” or wealth- it’s going to make that thing transform into money and wealth. (Not to mention the fact that rocks, herbs, and elements of nature have been widely regarded and exchanged throughout Earth’s history). 


Think about electronic bank fraud.
All that is happening is someone is stealing the code from another person or from a bank, and putting that code into their own accounts or banking system.
There is no physical money being stolen at that point.
But the person stealing the electronic code can use that code at a store with a piece of plastic to exchange it for physical items. Or they can take that plastic card, put it into the ATM and exchange the stolen code for physical cash.

There is still an exchange involved, even when it starts with no physical money.

A person can build an empire, or can steal an empire based on computer code.
Weird when you really think about it.  


There are several activations in this blog post, much of it channeled straight from my abundance guides. 


 The main activation is intended for us to release fears of “can I be the person that has the dream life?”
These fears are getting in the way of our manifestations.
They are slowing down the progress.
They are operating in the shadows. 

But once you know about them, you can take back control. You can consciously manifest your reality, rather than those sneaky subconscious fears being the thing that manifests the reality.



One of the other activations in this post is that your beliefs determine your reality. 
Your beliefs about money determine your physical experience and relationship with money. 
Do you believe it is hard to obtain? Then it will be. 
Do you believe you have to work overtime to get more? Then you will. 
Do you believe your dream life is not intended for you? Then it won't be. 

But if you think in terms of the quantum, if you go to the perspective of spirit, if you dive deep into what really manifests and creates this world- than your experience with money, wealth, manifestation, your dream life will be vastly different. 



And a third activation included here is the power of a decision. 
I've talked about this before. I've been shown the energetic power of when someone makes a decision. I see how it changes your chakras and energy centers. I see how it changes your trajectory and reality. In other words, I SEE the quantum shift happening. All from something so "simple" as TRULY making a decision about something. 
Know what a powerful tool that is to wield during your manifesting journey. 
KNOW the power you have in your hands and in your decisions. 
And then work ALL kinds of magic with it! 

I've seen it happen many times. I've seen it change the reality for myself, my friends, my family, and my clients. 


There are some really powerful activations and mindset pieces here that WILL change your world if you are dedicated to it.  


If you enjoyed this manifesting rabbit hole, consider joining us in the Manifesting Magic program inside Abundance Reset & Mastery! We have an entire library FULL of expansive rituals, trainings, workshops, activations, meditations, activities, and tools that will immediately begin to shift your perspective and experience when it comes to abundance and manifestation.


Inside AR&M you will find:

  • Manifesting Mindset Work
  • Magic Manifesting Work (lots of manifesting activity, correspondence, spells & rituals, divination, & immersion)
  • Activations
  • Manifesting Coaching, Trainings, Inspiration, & Support 

I am so excited to help you create a manifestation lifestyle!
Manifesting Mindset & Magic has completely changed my ENTIRE world, and I love sharing that with others.

What an abundant and expansive space to hang out in!

Not only do you get a brand new Manifesting Magic course, but you get access to the entire Manifesting Vault that is already available to you inside Abundance Reset & Mastery.

 And the best part of all, you can also get access to the Wayward Magick Academy AND Business Witchery, because right now I’ve got the bundle offer available!

This is the BEST bang for your buck and you get access to pretty much ALL my content for one really low price! (Which will be going up soon, I’ve received the download that it’s time. There is SO much content, time, and energy available and it’s time to value that in a new way! Get in now at this crazy low price, it won’t be around for much longer!)


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