When You Manifest The "Wrong" Thing....



Have you ever manifested something, then decided it's not what you really want? Maybe even ends up being the total opposite of what you what? 

When I see this happen, people often feel like they are unable to make "the right" decision (present company included) and they end up sticking around a situation a little too long.

Guilt, self-judgement, lack of faith, fear- all the makings for some serious blocked energy btw. 


The line of thinking is usually something like: "I manifested it, I better stick it out." 
Or if it's happened a time or two (or twenty) before, you might also think something like: "I manifest what I want, and then I don't want it. I can't trust myself to make decisions anymore." 


But if we zoom way out and we tune into the higher perspective- there was still a reason, a code, a lesson, a download, a perspective shift, available to you within that manifestation you created. 

To keep the manifestation work going, you've got to know when you got your download, and when it's time to move on.

Which often does require you to make big, scary, unknown, or uncomfortable decisions. True and powerful manifestation is not for the faint of heart kids! Because it requires you to walk in faith into the unknown, and do the hard things.

If you want to keep the manifestation train moving along and you feel done with something- let yourself be done.

Give the permission slip if that's what you need. 

This conversation has a bigger impact on our manifestations, but I don't see it talked about all that much.
Let me share a real time example of working your way out of a manifestation, while simultaneously working through some self-doubt. 

Here is how I am working my way out of a manifestation I conjured up when I was in a state of grief and heaviness, that I have since completely changed my mind about.

I have been going back and forth in my mind for the past few weeks- stay in the situation, or take my leave. (I've opened about a thousand trajectories with each time I changed my mind and looped back and forth. Shadow Work 101!). But today, I have officially declared (AND PROJECTED) that future me is no longer in that situation
This is one time where I will approve of projection. 


I don't know the rest of the details yet- but the conscious creator in me knows that EVERYTHING WORKS IN MY FAVOR NO MATTER WHAT.
I don't need to know all the details, I just need to know what I desire, and what my next move is.
Which in this case, I have already been given.
The sooner I take the aligned action involved, the sooner my next step will fall right into my awareness like clockwork and magic. 

When you are trying to manifest your way into a new situation, here are some practical steps you can take: 

 1 - Identify what the lesson of this manifestation/previous situation was, and honor it as if you are receiving a diploma for being a great student of life. Seriously. Honoring and loving yourself more will put you into a lovely energy that compliments manifestation. 

Ex: Why did I end up there? I got some much much needed perspective. Perfect, I feel much more clear now. I will collect my lesson, and manifest my way to the next thing! 

2 - Give gratitude to yourself for learning this valuable lesson or perspective shift.

It wasn't a mistake, and I can't let my ego get away with calling it that. I never would have gotten the perspective I did (which feels SO aligned for the first time in about 2 months!), and THAT is worth celebrating! Clarity leads to alignment leads to abundance. 

3 - Allow yourself to change

This is where you give yourself the permission slip to take your leave from the manifestation. For me, I started that process today by projecting that my future self is no longer in that situation. I declare it, I know it. Now my next step is to take my next aligned action and to stop bullying myself for my "mistake". That is NOT manifestation energy! It will create more indecision and confusion and cause stagnancy. 

I know a thing or two about manifestation.
I have spent the last eight years ALL IN on manifestation work, teachings, practice, study, experimentation. 
I have manifested so many things that I used to think were complete pipe dreams and would never actually happen. Sometimes I think my spirit even plays tricks on me by manifesting "dislike" situations so I can play the game of manifesting my way through or out of them. 

I know what it takes to manifest the dream life.
I know what it takes to re-calibrate your energy, heart, and mindset when life has knocked you around a bit.
I know what it takes to change a manifestation.
I know what it's like to go from no faith, to 10X abundance and all the dream things in life. 

It's a passion, it's an interest, it's a game, it's magic, it's growth, it's abundance. 

Follow the steps I give, work with them in a way that feels right for you, and you WILL see your reality starting to shift. 





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