Your Loved Ones On The Other Side Are With You

The Wayward Witch
Your Loved Ones On The Other Side Are With You

I knew I was going to pull this card. What I didn’t know was it was going to turn into a long blog post.

With so many people around me losing loved ones so often lately, naturally I’ve had a lot of spirit around as well.  

If I know you, there is a very good chance your loved one has popped in for me at least once. But often more. If I don’t know you, but you are drawn to this space, there is also a good chance your loved one’s spirit helped to bring you here. Maybe it’s simply to read this blog today and you will find healing in any of these words. Maybe it’s to connect and work one on one together. Whatever it is- it’s usually divinely orchestrated. 


I don’t reach out to you and tell you this, because that goes against my integrity and training as a medium.

I don’t know about all of your belief systems. I may not know what stage you are at in your grief. And I may not know how this type of information can impact someone.


My agreement with spirit is I am happy to pass along messages and healings, but they’ve got to help get the person in front of me, and get the conversation started.

And if you do have questions, I am standing by to answer any of them that I can.

If you are at all curious, I can confirm that the message from this card I pulled today is almost the exact same message that spirit asks me to pass along to their loved ones time and again.


When you go back into your spirit form, you have a much much bigger understanding of all that went down in the human world.

You understand the cords, the contracts, the soul connections. The reasons.


As a spirit you don’t experience emotions the way we do when in our physical bodies.


They are not angry at you. They do not blame you for anything. Whatever you feel is the right thing to do with their belongings or at the end of their life WAS the right choice.  


They do not want you to hold guilt, shame, or blame.

They want to see you flourish, smile, find joy, and release the heavy heavy burdens on your shoulders and in your heart.


Spirit does also acknowledge how difficult it is for you to endure their loss. And they are holding you up in a different way now.


Our loved ones on the other side are around.

Orchestrating divine things for us. Watching over us. Guiding us. Loving us. Celebrating us.


And they are pain and burden free.


That will not take away from the journey of grief one must go through when they lose a loved one. But, I hope if nothing else, this message brings you comfort that your loved one is safe, celebrating and supporting you, burden free, and full of nothing but love for you. 


And for those spirits that are restless for some reason, there is help for them too. I dedicate some of my mediumship work to helping cross over restless spirit whenever they come into my awareness.  

Sometimes it’s one soul at a time that needs a little help, and other times it’s an army of souls…literally.


After we lose a loved one, the “what if’s” are unavoidable. Of course we are going to go down that road, sometimes over and over and over and over.
We ask ourselves questions like ‘should I have done more?’ ‘Could I have done more?’ ‘What if I did something different?’ – The answer is no. It all happened as it should- even if we can’t wrap our minds around that in our human form.


I get the message again, and again, and again that your loved one wants you to find your highest joy again.

Of course, we know it cannot be the same as it was before.

The loss you endure will be with you forever. But that loved one will be by your side gently guiding you to find happiness again and learn what that looks like for you now.


They are gone from this physical world, and we hurt deeply and miss them profoundly for that. But their spirit? That lives on. And your spirit will meet their spirit again.


And we can try our best to live our life in a way that would honor our loved ones on the other side.


They do want that for us. They do help orchestrate that for us.


After giving tons of mediumship readings over the last few years, and after seeing it firsthand when I lost several of my own family members and friends, and no matter how it is delivered, the message is always the same.


Be love. Be joy. Forgive yourself. Forgive me.

And we will meet again. 


I want to share a silly story, because it reflects the ways in which spirit really does orchestrate the divine to help you along your path. All you’ve got to do is ask for the guidance and assistance.

Story Time:

During Christmas I got the message from my step-dad’s spirit to get my Mom a Christmas floral arrangement; she always really loved and appreciated that. So, I thought to myself, OK, I will stop at the grocery store and pick up a bouquet on my way to her house on Christmas Eve. And his message was clear- “No, go bigger.”

He wanted an arrangement delivered to her house on Christmas Eve. So, I said half-jokingly, “Ok Phil, I will do that, but you’ve got to find a way to fork over some cash for these fancy flowers you want.” 


I ordered the flowers, which cost roughly $120.  The next day I got an email that I received a refund for something I didn’t even know I had paid for. Guess how much the refund was? $117. And my next joking thought with my step-dad’s spirit was “Well, it’s not quite the exact amount, but it will do.’

I hadn’t expressed this thought out loud, but then my boyfriend said to me, “I could just hear his voice saying ‘it’s close enough.’


Spirit will orchestrate SO much for us on the other side.

I know we want them here. We’d much rather that. Trust me, I can see right into the center of your heart, and I can tap into the pain the lives there now. So, this blog is not meant to try to convince you it’s better because they can orchestrate the divine for us. I am not saying that. I simply hope that even if for just one moment today, you feel a piece of comfort that your loved one is burden free, and filled with nothing but unconditional love for you.

And they want you to know you are more than enough, you did more than enough, even when you think you didn’t.


If you can lift one brick off your heart today, than this post did it’s job.


And if you feel that brick back in place tomorrow, that is OK. Grief is a journey that goes way beyond words, so I stopped trying to find the right ones long ago.


Just be as gentle as humanly possible with yourself.




In our traditional stories, it is said that we come from the stars and we shall return to them.

When our time on this planet is done, we travel to the Star Nations and become part of the beauty of the cosmos.

Every night our relatives and ancestors who have passed on watch down over us, their sparkle bringing light through the darkness.

This card brings a message from a loved one who has passed, a relative who meant so much to you.

They remind you that while they are no longer present in human form, their spirit lives on in so many ways.

See their face in your living relatives and hear the stories they used to tell, now told by the younger generations.

Watch for their presence in your dreams and listen for their messages in your times of solitude.

Your loved ones from the Star Nations are close to you, supporting you, guiding, and reconnecting to you.


The memories and bonds you shared can never be broken.

CARD DECK: The Sacred Medicine Oracle by Asha Frost


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