The Sacredness of Divine Timing and Nature

Part Two of Combining Intuition and Aligned Action! 

We have been talking a lot about only needing to know our next step. 
For really anything we are wanting to build, create, manifest, or experience in our life. 

Here is another example of just how magical this space of being really gets! 

I have a soul mate client who has been with me for some time, and the other day I received a surprise package in the mail from her. It was The Witches Wisdom Tarot Deck (and an extremely heart-warming note that was a huge form of abundance all on it's own!) 

In the letter she mentions how she really likes the deck and will probably be getting another one, but that she kept hearing my name when she opened the deck. So this was an example of her following an intuitive pull. She could have easily ignored the pull and kept her deck. But she followed the magic. 

So then the deck arrives at my house. And as most of you know, I am very wayward lol.  Which means when I get a new deck, rarely do I sit and read the beginning of the guidebook, I don't go through every card, I don't bless my deck, knock on it, or anything else. I dive right in and start playing. 

However, this deck that arrived at my door as if by magic had other plans. As soon as I opened it, I knew it was something different. 

It was pretty much an "Um no, we are doing things differently" type of vibe it was giving off. 

I felt the call to first read the entire front part of the guidebook (and there was kind of a lot to it!) 
After that I felt called to begin going through each card one by one and tuning into the energy of them all. But I felt instructed to do this slowly. A few cards at a time. (I am still going through it five days later!) 

I have also felt called to sleep with them under my pillow some nights (I have NEVER done this! Except for maybe when doing a Tarot Spell, and then it was only one or two cards). I have never actually felt called to sleep with an entire deck under my pillow. Not something that ever resonated with me before. 

And I feel like it's not time to start using it for readings until I have gone through the entire deck. Which again is something unusual for me, as I like to just get right to playing! 

 However, that's not even the biggest magic afoot here.
I have really been wanting to get back into more sacred/earth magic teachings and frequencies. And for the last few months I have been thinking about teaching a workshop on working with the Elements for healing, manifesting, & magic. Some of my most magical and abundant experiences came from tuning into and working with the elements. 

But the details were just not clicking into place for the workshop yet.
So instead of worrying about it, trying to force content, or trying to go immediately into "doing" mode- I just sat with the desire and began asking for my next step. 

A few small ideas, inspirations, or synchronicities began to come in and I could tell energetically this workshop is starting to take place in the background. Even if I didn't have a clear visual on the details yet. 

Well it just so happens this deck is all based on teachings, messaging, and magic with the elements!  

I also have a great idea for a free 5 day challenge to introduce everyone to the magic of working with the elements that we can all dive into leading up to the launch of the workshop.
This all started dropping in when the deck arrived on my doorstep.
Had I tried to force the creation of this thing I would have been severely missing out on the sacredness of Divine timing and nature, and of being in a space of allowing energy and details take shape. 

The more in tune I am with the elements as I build this workshop, the more sacred energy it is going to include. 

And ALL I have been needing for this to take shape was "What is my next step" and taking the aligned action that follows. 

So in this case, when the deck arrived and I felt all of these intuitive pulls to be really intentional with it- I listened to all of them. 

I could have very easily ignored those intuitive pulls and just went about opening and using the deck for readings right away. 
I am sure I would have still experienced magic- but now the connection is building, the anticipation of the magic within the workshop is taking form, and I have so much more inspiration, experience, and ideas to keep adding to the experience. 

I can not convey enough just what a peaceful, abundant, and magical space it is to be in the energy of only requiring to know your next aligned action. (And then you actually have to take the action for the next one to drop). 

So, are you a "I need to know all the details, I need to know it will all work out, I need to control the entire thing, otherwise I am not doing it" kind of person or are you a "Wayward, follow the flow state, listen to the intuitive information coming in, and taking action when your higher self says it is time" kind of person? 

Guess which one is more magical, powerful, expansive, and abundant? (In my humble wayward opinion anyway). 

Sending lots of elemental magic your way friends. 

Until Next Time, 
~Jenn N. 

50% Complete

Two Step

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