Pattern Interrupt Protocol

Do you have a pattern interrupt process when you are trying to shift energy, moods, patterns, or behaviors? 

A pattern interrupt is often required when we are working on releasing the programmed neuropathways tied to the shadows we are working to alchemize. 

The first step is shadow work. 

The next step is to understand that a reprogramming may be in order. 

Although we may have done our shadow work, some of our thoughtforms, beliefs, and behaviors have been present for so long that they become programmed into our being. They become part of the neuropathway and operating procedure. And much of the time we don't even realize it has become our nature. 
The thoughts/beliefs are just so automatic at this point, we don't even recognize it. That is why I am always talking about how important it is to investigate our daily routines, our day to day thoughts, and our to-do lists. Things become so programmed into our being, we go about it in more of a robotic state rather than an intentional, aligned and joyful state.   

And so, this is when we need to be mindful and present for the re-programming process. 

When you get to this point, it can be frustrating, because you do all the work to alchemize the shadow, and this thing is somehow still present? WTF.

But, if you are armed with the awareness of what is actually going on, it makes it a lot easier to navigate your way through it. 

If you have done your shadow and inner work, and find a pattern/belief/limitation still present- ask yourself, "Oh, is this a re-programming thing?" 

A good indicator that you are in the re-programming phase is when there is no longer an emotional trigger to this thing- (other than possibly being annoyed it is still happening). 

Now that we know about this phase, we want to create a pattern interrupt protocol. 

It is important to first ensure you are putting in the mindfulness and intention in your day to day. This will help you recognize what phase you are in, and what is required in the moment. 

When I identify that I am in one of these stages, I have a list of pattern interrupt protocols, and then I go to that list and intuitively choose which protocol I am drawn to in the moment. 

One of my favorite things to do is to start moving energy by straightening up around the house- usually ends up being the kitchen. The movement helps me stop the looping thoughts, and helps me get a out of my head so I can go to the higher perspective and see what's going on more objectively. 

And then I often eat an orange. For me, oranges always bring the energy of rejuvenation. It refreshes my energy. I stand at the counter as I peel the orange, and look out my backdoor at the bushes and different colored flowers in the yard, and if I am lucky I get to witness a hummingbird having some lunch. 

This act not only refreshes my energy, but it also helps me step out of my head and into gratitude by observing all the things around me. This goes a long way to help with traveling to the higher self and higher perspective of any situation. 

I will put miracle tones on myself and for the house. (Here is my favorite one btw if you want to give it a try

I light my favorite incense, or put some essential oils in the diffuser and really enjoy the scents. 

Sometimes I may feel called to take a meditative shower, or get on my stair stepper, or go for a drive, or walk. What I love about this is your pattern interrupt protocol can be perfectly tailored to you. 

When I initiate these protocols, I usually get a download, awareness, or at the very least am able to easily shift my energy back into alignment. 

There are times where I am being stubborn and won't do anything to improve my energy or beliefs until I have hung out in the swamp for a bit. But what I know to be true is, the more I am willing to invoke my pattern interrupt protocol, the more I live a Life By Soul Design. 

I share much more of this blueprint in my FREE Life By Soul Design empowerment course. You can get the free course HERE.


I would love to hear about some of your pattern interrupt procedures! It would be really fun to work collectively to create a really nice comprehensive list and share with the tribe! A project we can all share and put energy into. Message me or post your pattern interrupt protocols in the Wayward Magic group! 


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