What they don’t tell you about becoming a healer, doing your shadow work, and manifesting a different life…



As you begin to learn more about your shadow self,  and you start to release limitations, patterns, fears, and old binds, you become more empowered.
You set more boundaries.
You start to experience more abundance.
You learn about self-mastery.
You start to live intentionally, intuitively, and you begin to consciously create your world, while others around you are sticking to what they’ve always known/done. Whether they are happy doing it or not. 


And if you go on to be a healer, intuitive, or magic maker of any kind, you start to pay more attention to what’s going on in the unseen world. You follow the energy while others follow the news, the collective, or what’s been conditioned in them. 


You become the proverbial black sheep. 


Healers can feel like they suddenly become a mismatch with many of the people and situations around them. 


You shake the foundation of the family/group dynamic.
It triggers things within other people.
We take those reactions that people have to us personally, but we need to understand and discern what’s actually happening.
You are an invitation for other people to embark on their own healing or empowerment journey.
Of course that gets registered as a trigger at first! Your very existence now requests, requires, and invites others to get out of their comfort zones, conditioning, and limitations. 


I see the healers and the mystics feeling as if they don’t belong.
Along this path you may find your family and friends reacting differently towards you. You start to feel like maybe you are wrong. 


You don’t think you are better than anyone else, you just have a different perspective now, but your loved ones may register that as something different. 

We must learn how to navigate this while staying in our own alignment.
This is the point where I see many people turn back around and stop their shadow work journey. Because they felt like they didn’t fit in, and that was uncomfortable. 


In these cases, The Healer was not properly prepared for the journey. 

We’ve got tools for navigating all this!
And I feel it’s not talked about enough.
That’s one of many things that Wayward Path Work is all about. 

Some of the other things a healer or a mystic may experience as they go through their own healing journey…. 


  • You see things that others don’t see, and that can make you feel a little crazy. 


  • You can feel like a “fraud” or an imposter being your new version of self around the people who knew you before. 


  • Neutral and peace often get registered as bad- we are so used to contrast, and in many cases extreme highs and lows. We don’t know what to do with neutrality, calm, and peace. 


  • Once you start to see the unseen world, you can’t unsee it. And learning to navigate the unseen while still living and operating in the physical world, can actually mess with your mind a bit. But we’ve got tools for that! 

  • You literally start to shape shift into something different. That is unknown and uncomfortable to people. The Healer has to learn how not to take that on as their own discomfort. 

  • You eventually start to see other people’s distortions and projections,  and you can’t unsee them. 

This new space requires a higher level of your own discernment. 


  1. We need that discernment to re-pattern a new way of responding and reacting. 
  2. Even though you’ve done some shadow work, and you now understand distortion and projection- it doesn’t mean you are shadow free.
    It can come off as condescending if you are pointing out everyone else’s shortcomings. You might be coming from the right place, and it can be really tempting to do it, but the first thing you want to do is check in with why you feel the need to do so.  


Is it your job to call out every single limitation, projection, or distortion?
No, it’s not. So, you’ve got to decide how you want to show up as you start witnessing what’s behind other people’s beliefs, words, and reactions.
You guessed it- we’ve got tools for that! 

And when things needs fixing, and I’ve got some things to say, I personally like to handle things energetically and in the Akash.
I have done much of my forgiveness, healing, and cord cutting work this way. 


It’s been effective and I have seen major shifts and results in my physical world every.single.time. 


Lots of things need to be said between you and ex, but an actual conversation is just not possible?
Do it in the Akash.
I’ve done this in a very volatile situation/relationship, and the situation finally began to sort itself out. I’ve done this kind of energy work to sort through trauma, heartbreak, disappointment, and extreme anger. 


Want to start setting boundaries with people, but don’t feel comfortable speaking that out loud? Start with doing it in the Akash. Then you begin to empower yourself, and you find yourself beginning to confidently speak your truth out loud. 


I go into the energetic and Akashic realm, I speak to people’s higher selves and spirits (because let’s face it, much of the time you will have a much more productive conversation that way!), and I begin to weave and code my wishes and desires into reality right then and there. 


It works for me, so I keep doing it.
This method of energy and intention work continues to change my life, my experiences, my relationships, and my opportunities. 


And now I teach others about the powerful path ways I have created and/or stumbled upon. 


Do you feel the call to healing work but don’t know where to start? (Even if it’s just for your own personal journey, you ARE the healer!) 


I’ve got you.

Wayward Path Work is THE place to hang out in, if you are wanting to develop and enhance your intuitive abilities, your manifestation abilities, and you want to learn more about self mastery and shadow mastery.

This is also the space to be if you want to learn how to powerfully navigate walking between two worlds- the seen and the unseen.


With Wayward Pathwork we will walk many paths in the next year.
The journey I am taking you on will bring you down one synchronicity spiral after another. And I will show you how to navigate those in the most magical ways.

Our Year Together is going to look a little something like this:
(Animal Spirit stepped forward at the very last minute, and even required me to re-do the images for the program!)

Pathway #1: The Path of The Raven
Shadow Work & Shadow Mastery
Healing, Clearing, Awareness, & Empowerment.


Pathway #2: The Path of The Eagle
Intuition Building  

Confidence Building, Getting to know YOUR intuition, growing your skills, living intuitively.


Pathway #3: The Path of The Spider

Conscious Creation- Building the magical life we TRULY desire.

Pathway #4: The Path of The Owl
Walking in-between two worlds
Successfully navigating both the seen and unseen worlds.



JOIN THE PATH WORK HERE: https://www.waywardwitchco.com/waywardpathwork


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Two Step

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