Shadow Work Tool #8.
Something I encourage all.the.time.
The Sacred Pause will change your life. In many ways.
Want to know how to listen to your intuition more?
How to make decisions that keep you in alignment more?
How to show up as the most soul aligned version of self?
How to engage in conflict in an empowered way?
How to step into self mastery and control your emotions?
All the time. Take as many of these as you need. This is your permission slip to give yourself just a moment. (What I really want to say here is, "give yourself just a damn second for crying out loud!")
And how do we do that?
How do we suddenly make this kind of space for ourselves when we've not done so before?
Simple. (Yet, sometimes mindfulness is not so simple, because we are human and we sometimes forget!)
Create a grounding technique. A tool or process that gives you just a second to breath, to tap in energetically and intuitively, and to think things through.
Don't be afraid to call this out in conversation, meetings, or confrontation either.
Always state what you need.
"I need just a few moments to breath/think/clear my head before I decide/respond/react."
See how easy that was?
Try it! It will be life-changing and you will want to do more of it.
This is something you can get started experimenting with right away. There will be many moments in your day where you can implement The Sacred Pause.
Starting with when you are getting ready for work in the morning and your hair/outfit/makeup aren't working out right. Before you start shaming or mean-girling yourself or getting frustrated, take a few deep breaths and intentionally create your look for the day.
When you get in the car and start driving in traffic, before you start letting everyone else piss you off and lower your energy vibration- take a few deep breaths. Create sacred space in your car and ask yourself- "is this how I desire to show up today? Is frustration really the energy I want to tap into already this morning?"
When your first co-worker or customer of the day triggers you- take a sacred pause. Rise to the highest perspective you can before you react/respond, and before you give any energy at all to the situation.
Why? Because a Sacred Pause is a power move.
This is what consciously choosing where you energy and emotions go all day looks like.
To no longer allow outside noise- people/situations/interactions- to dictate how you show up for the day.
YOU are in charge of your alignment.
So create sacred space for it. All day. Everyday.
YOU ARE ALLOWED TO TAKE A MOMENT. Anytime you need one.
This grounding technique in the image below may not work for you.
But it can be a great tool to try, because it has a dual purpose.
This process also reminds you to tune into ALL of your senses.
Tuning into our senses helps gets us:
-Out of the logical mind.
-In to the intuitive senses.
Which is why we want to take a sacred pause in the first place.
Out of the mind, into the intuition.
Take a breath and follow the energy of something before you decide with your mind.
Don't make your decisions there. I know that may seem strange, but I have found my alignment by following the energy of people/places/things.
The energy may just tell you differently than what your mind is trying to tell you.
Think about it, your mind if filled with:
Your mind will try to protect you from all of these things- but most of the time we don't actually need that sort of protection, and it just ends up keeping us in shadow and out of empowerment and alignment.
So, in order to bypass the outdated programming, we follow the need codes. We follow the energy. But you've got to give yourself a moment to do that. (It gets faster the more you work with this muscle, the more natural it becomes to do so.)
If this grounding technique seems to slow for you, try:
Perhaps taking a few releasing breaths does the trick.
Or having a mantra, visual, or power word that reminds you to pause and tune into the energy of something first.
The beauty of this practice is you can create the tool that works best for you.
What is important here is that you give yourself a sacred pause before you:React
Assign Meaning
Go into Shadow/Fear
Respond from trauma vs. empowerment
Give into anxious thoughts, self-sabotage, overwhelm.
If you enjoyed this Shadow Work Tool and want to learn all my power moves- check out the Shadow Work Tool Kit!
50% Complete
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