Sedona Medicine

When we were in Sedona for our Healing Retreat last month I bought a unique locally designed Oracle Deck. This deck has a really special energy to it, and I just knew it wanted to work with me to bring sacred Earth and Animal messages. 

I have been asking my guide team every day how I can best show up and serve my tribe right now during such unprecedented times. Often I will feel called to post motivational, uplifting, or thought provoking content. Other times I am called to create printed material and free guidebooks, or host a few free circles. But today's message feels really special. Especially since I have been calling in deeper relationships and magic working with Earth, plant, animal, and spirit energies. 

Today the Sedona Oracle deck was sitting to the left of me on my desk, and kept drawing my attention on and off throughout the day.

I finally picked it up and where I normally will shuffle before picking a card, I felt drawn to spread them all out on my desk. There were six cards throughout the deck that were upside down and those all drew my attention too.

I has a message very clearly drop that that told me those six cards were going to tell a story.  

And what a beautiful story it is. 

The messages brought forward turned out to be a perfect little "to-do" list of what we can keep in mind to get us through the current chaos in empowered ways. 

Here are some channeled messages from the sacred Animal and Earth Spirits of Sedona: 

Coyote represents wisdom and wants to remind us of resourcefulness. To remember the old ways. And create more independence.  

Road Runner represents trust and knowledge and wants to remind us of our agility, and to pay attention to what's beneath the surface and not just what we see with our eyes. 

Quail represents following your heart and is here to remind us that despite what it looks on the outside, now is the perfect time to start re-imagining your life and what's important to you and to do so with your heart and not your fear based thinking. 

Red Canyon's of Sedona represent both Ancient & Future energies and wants to remind us it is safe and expansive to step out of our comfort zones. This is also another reminder much like Road Runner medicine, to look past what we see in the 3D world. Another support of Ancient Wisdom. What can you take from the old ways and use in today's current landscape? 

Cockscomb represents changes and wants us to understand changes are happening, and they are happening quickly. We are being reminded to be fluid, and to release out stronghold on things. Start asking what else we can create, and how can we adapt to the changes with ease. 

Javelina represents choice. I LOVE that this is the last message, as it is an extremely powerful reminder that we DO have choice right now. We have choice in how we want to react and respond. How we want to adapt, and what we want to create. Which frequency are you choosing to be in? 

I hope you found these messages from the energies of Sedona as powerful as I did! 

Sending you all love, light, comfort, and magic! 

~Jenn N. 



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