The Power Of Surrender

Surrender... The power of surrender space.

When I first started playing with this concept, I had no idea what it really felt like to surrender.

What did that even mean?
Do I just give up on my goals?
On hard work?
Give up on what I wanted and just “let it go”? No way. Surely it couldn’t mean any of these things.
How could people recommend so highly to give up on things?

I tried to ignore the concept.
And then at one point, I did try it on for a second…I did not like it.
It made me uncomfortable.
So I put it in the shadows and kept ignoring it.

However, as we understand, if we are meant to know, work through, or learn from something- chances are, it’s going to keep being put before us until we get our  sh@# together and figure it out.

Which is exactly what happened.
Eventually I got the hint.
I released what I previously assumed it meant to surrender.
I chose to look for different perspectives to see what I was missing about such a supposedly powerful embodiment.

Step by step I learned more about what it meant to surrender.
And about the pure magic that takes place once you step into this space.

When you finally release all the questions of HOW:
‘how can I afford this?
How can I make this change?
How can this ever be possible?
How can I ever take that trip?
How can I ever accomplish that book? Take that course? Launch that business? Step into my powers? Be seen?’...
you get to a space of surrender.
Of mastery.

But this hamster wheel cycle of needing to know the details, of grasping as tightly as we can to keep control, of the need to plan it out, to wait for the perfect time, to ask how, how how, how, when, when when…. -  that, my friends, is what keeps you in a state of being mastered by your shadow, instead of you mastering it.

Now fast forward to today.
We are currently riding the wave of another entirely new up-leveled alignment. It is big. It is powerful. The implications of this rise are already palpable and apparent.

Just when you think you have cleared all the shadows, all the cords and contracts, and all the hidden fears- you dig a little deeper and you find more.

You begin to step into your Divine soul aligned state, as you open those tightly locked doors and begin to explore the places that were so far hidden in the “dark” that they escaped even your attention...even through allll the shadow work you had already done.
That is…until it was just the right time for them to come out.

That time came the moment the master mind group chose to step into new layers of surrender.

And it becomes shockingly clear when you discover that ALL you had to do in order to gain access to the treasure trove of your intuition, of your alignment and abundance, was to SURRENDER.

Wondering what needs to be surrendered to step on the “darkened” path of shadow mastery?
Surrender the need to control the outcome.
Surrender the need to have things go the way you expected it to.
Surrender to having expectations all together.
Surrender your fear.
Surrender to your desires instead of judging them.
Surrender to your shadows.
Surrender to your anger.
Surrender to the stories that you have allowed to define who you are for so long.

Because this? This current way of looping on “what if’s” and of borrowing trouble, and of projecting your beliefs/emotions/expectations on others all day long, of judging everything about yourself and your journey.

This isn’t where you are going to find your joy.
This isn’t where you are going to get to the space of manifestation on demand.
This isn’t how you live the life you always dreamed of.

We all are.

So WHY the f@$% are we holding on SO tightly to the need to control it all and figure it all out? (I ask this of myself also, we can all use a dose of this medicine).

Imagine a space where you didn’t have to control anything.
A space where you were so aligned with your soul and spirit that everything just worked out in your favor.
Where you did not have to spend the currency of your precious energy one “Borrowing Trouble” or ever asking “What if”.  
And a space where you didn’t have to drain your energy bank on trying to figure it all out.
Or needing to know how.
And then needing even more to ensure you execute it perfectly or else the whole world would unravel.

What if you JUST KNEW with every ounce of that Divine self that everything DOES in fact work out in your favor?

That it was ALWAYS going to be what you desired or something even better.
That no matter what the outside world looked like- your inside world was solid as f@#&.
It was clear, calm, and collected- because IT does know.

That Divine Soul of yours knows what your human side does not.
It knows what happened in the past, and it knows what happened in the future.

And how do you step into that Divine space?
It starts with surrender.

And if you are anything like I was a few years ago- the thought of surrendering to anything or anyone may make your skin crawl and your throat close up, and your first thought is a big fat hell no for you.

I get it.
I also get that I was in my shadow, my victim, and in self-sabotage mode when I was unwilling to surrender to anything.
And I also get that I have now been stepping into Soul and Mastery the more I begin to embody the true magic of surrender.

If you are ready to start embarking on your shadow work journey, and the thought of mastery, instant manifestation, and soul alignment excites you- then I invite you to come work with me in my Monthly Magic Mastermind space. 
It is a powerful and transformative space to hang out in.
We talk all things witchy, energy, healing, shadows, manifesting, and anything else that comes up. 
Nothing is really off limits in that space in terms of expansion and learning! 
And the goal for those who hang out with me is to get you closer to your soul aligned abundant state. 

Learn more & Join the journey here:



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