Today's Message of Empowerment

This morning I worked with my pendulum and higher council to choose which deck from my collection wanted to work with me to bring a message of empowerment to the tribe today.

I wasn't surprised that the Goddess Power deck stepped forward, as it has been on my radar for the last week. 

Today's message is brought from the Athena and Uzume cards. 

Athena's Message: 
Athena represents knowledge and wants to remind us it is time to discover our "knowing" and then to stand in it. 

To get into a state of deeper empowerment, we want to choose our belief and now stick with that belief.  Are we afraid, or are we going to co-create our experiences? Lets stop dancing back an forth, pick a stance, and then work with it to our full capacity. 

Athena also lets us know now is a perfect time to gain greater clarity than we have ever had before. That sounds confusing, when there is so much uncertainty in the world.. but really though, what better time to decide to show up in our full power than in the face of adversity and chaos? 

What will it take to get your knowledge, logical choices, and intentions aligned to work together? 

Call in ingenuity & curiosity when it comes to facing the unknown, and keep asking questions. What else is possible? How else can I adapt with what's going on? What is coming forward to be healed? 

What we don't want to do right now is use force, over-thinking, or over-analyzing. It is time to be fluid. 

Release any projected stories or expectations. 

Uzume's Message:
Laughter is both your medicine and your healing. 

While at home, focus on fun and positivity. 

Are you currently sitting at: 
All work and no play? 
All focus and no release?
All worry, and no inner peace?

Time to find balance in all the hard work and worrying you do. 

Humor fosters resilience and lightheartedness. 

Has life become a burden? Or did you come here to experience joy and laughter, even through the hard times? 

How many ways can you "lighten up" today? 

As always, sending you love, comfort, empowerment, and magic. 

~Jenn N. 



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