Unmasking the Resolution Myth: A Revolutionary Approach to Manifesting 2024

Every year, we find ourselves caught in the resolution trap—a cycle of setting ambitious goals only to watch them fade into oblivion by February.

But what if there's a powerful alternative that transcends the limitations of traditional resolutions?

Ideally if you are following the natural flow of the seasons, you will have already started doing some release and reflection work during Samhain, and started collecting your intentions for the year ahead around the Winter Solstice. (Manifestation and "Resolutions" don't all have to be done at one time!) 

A manifestation lifestyle is a CURATION. 
Which takes time to curate. 

I personally also prefer following the energy of my intentions rather than setting "resolutions.' There is nothing wrong with it, if that is what works for you.

For me, resolutions leave me trying to figure it all out at one time, becoming overwhelmed, then going into self-sabotage and procrastination mode. 

Intentions are different.

Example- One of my intentions for the new year is to experience more peace of mind in my inner world. 
That means I am going to follow the energy of where I feel/experience peace of mind, and I am going to release myself from all of the things that do NOT feel that way. 


Let's uncover the three pitfalls of the resolution rut and and try a new transformative approach to make 2024 your most extraordinary year yet.

Pitfall #1: Unrealistic Expectations

Traditional resolutions often set us up for failure with lofty, unrealistic expectations.
The pressure to achieve monumental changes overnight can leave us overwhelmed and defeated before we even begin. It's time to break free from this cycle. There is a much more masterful approach we can take. 


Pitfall #2: Lack of Alignment

Resolutions often stem from societal pressures or external expectations, leading to goals that lack personal resonance.

Aligning with your authentic self is the key to sustainable change.

Instead of imposing external standards, let's explore the path of intention setting and follow the energy of our highest joys.

Pitfall #3: Ignoring Inner Guidance

The conventional approach neglects the crucial aspect of inner guidance.

It's time to acknowledge that our true power lies in tuning into our intuition, desires, and the energy that sparks joy within us.

By following the natural flow of our aspirations, we open the door to genuine transformation.


The Revolutionary Approach: Intention Setting and Joyful Alignment

Rather than succumbing to the pitfalls of traditional resolutions, let's shift our focus to intention setting and following the energy of our highest joys.

This approach involves:

1. Clarity of Intentions: Define your aspirations with clarity and authenticity. What do you genuinely want to manifest in 2024? If you aren't sure yet, start with what you want to FEEL more of.
Joyful, Inspired, Hopeful, Motivated, Disciplined, Positive, Peaceful...

2. Joyful Alignment: Spend time identifying the activities, experiences, and pursuits that bring you unparalleled joy. Align your intentions with the energy of these highest joys.

3. Mindful Manifestation: Embrace a mindful approach to manifestation, allowing your desires to unfold organically. Trust the process, stay present, and let the energy guide you.

It's time to step into the revolutionary paradigm of intentional living.

By exposing the pitfalls of traditional resolutions and embracing the power of intention setting and joyful alignment, you pave the way for an extraordinary 2024 filled with genuine transformation.


Are you ready to manifest your most authentic self?

The journey begins now. 


If you want to join a community focused on creating a sustainable and lasting Manifestation Lifestyle, consider joining us inside Manifestation & Magic. 

Together let's create a year of:

🔮Knowing thy Self

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