What do you get when you combine: Intuition, Aligned Action, & Boss Babe Energy?

To all my Boss Babes, & Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs out there:  

What do you get when you combine: Intuition, Aligned Action, & Boss Babe Energy? 

One bad a$$ abundant and transformative experience, that's what! 

Let me share with you an experience I recently had that included my intuition, my aligned action, and my boss babe energy. 

First, let me ask, have you ever found yourself purchasing something like a course or workshop and here it is two months later, and you still haven't even logged in one time? 
Or is that just me? 

Well back on Thanksgiving, I took advantage of several Black Friday deals for Business or Mindset Building workshops & courses...As well as a workshop on Akashic Records- (which at first I wondered 'why the heck did I buy this, I know all this'... but I later found the reason for that sign up as well!) 
But back to my point...

A few days ago I had a big scary thought come in...but a thought that resonated as truth all the same. 

It's time for some rebranding. 
Yes, even after all the time I have spent building the current brand.
Yes, even after all of the content I created based off that brand (HUNDREDS of pieces of content!). 

You see, I am a completely different person than who I was a year or even two years ago when I first set out creating my brand. I mean, it all started as a beauty product line at the very beginning- and look where we are now! Quantum Energy Healing, Mediumship, Empowerment and Mindset Coaching, Retreats, Women's Circles, and a heck of a lot of magic making! That's a far jump from beauty products! 

I have dropped some areas of business that were no longer in alignment with me. 

And I have had some major up-levels in other areas of business. 

I have rebranded my own personal lifestyle several times (and currently in the process of doing another round!).

So, as much as I tried to fight this...it is time for some rebranding. 

Ugh...overwhelming thought when you have literally created SO.MUCH.CONTENT.  

However, this was an intuitive hit.
One of those 'knowings' that definitely doesn't come from logic! (Intuition never does though, right?)

Nope definitely not from logic. 
Logic would say 'Don't be ridiculous. Think of the time, effort, energy you put into the current brand. People know this brand'. 

But I know, by always tuning in and reading the energies first, that my business, brand, and who I work with all want to shift and up-level right along with me. 

So, what's my point? 
I honored the desire to rebrand- I know it's going to be a lot of work and time- but I didn't fight against it. I allowed the feeling and intuitive hit to come up and I also didn't judge it immediately or put myself in overwhelm and feel like I needed to act right away. 

No, instead I just sat with the feeling and the thought. It was one of those intuitive pulls after all, and so if I am in my alignment and my boss babe zone of genius- I know the pull to rebrand was the first step. 

Allowing the idea to come to light was the second step. 

Sitting with the idea, getting CRYSTAL CLEAR about what I would want in a brand- but without the need to over-respond or be reactive, was my third step. 

A few days later I still didn't know what that was going to look like.

Then seemingly out of nowhere I had a nudge to revisit my list of untouched courses I had signed up for back in November. 
And what do I see? A beautifully, well thought out, well laid out, and perfectly detailed course on Branding was waiting for me in my inbox. 

I have no clue what compelled me to buy this course back in November as re-branding was NO where in my radar at that time. It was a pull to sign up, so I listened to it. 
And not only that, but had I actually tried to learn from and listen to this particular course at that time, since re-branding was not on my radar, I would have probably lost interest immediately and never re-visited the content again. 
All I can do is thank future self for having armed me with the tools that would be available to me at just the perfect time! 

It is a course valued at $2,000 that I purchased for $97 in November! 

These are the pieces of magic and support that get to happen when you operate your business in an intuitive way, when you take inspired action- despite what logic tries to say, and when you wait for just the perfect time to let unleash the creative power and magic. 

When you operate in a space of alignment and joy, abundance is sure to follow. 
There is no other choice. 
Universal Law. 

P.S. I had so much fun in our last open of coaching call, I am going to be holding several of these a month! And they are a part of the Monthly Mastermind Membership! 
Want to join on the Boss Witch Zone of Genius regularly? 

Click HERE to learn more! 


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