What Happens During A Mediumship Reading?

Dear Seekers of Truth and Healing,

I want to share one of the most humbling profound and transformative experiences that await you through  mediumship. 

Whether you are giving a reading or receiving a reading- it is always transformational and filled with wisdom, insight, and higher perspective.

Mediumship creates encounters that transcend the ordinary, offer profound healing, closure, a higher perspective on life's journey, and the immense love that flows from connecting with loved ones on the other side.

I could never put into words the immense love your spirits on the other side share with me for you. That is why I say Mediumship is so humbling. To know unconditional love, and to pass that along to strangers - of course that's a space I want to hang around in often!  

If you could see you the way your spirit squad sees you, and the way I get to see you through their eyes- it's life changing. And I get to experience it through every single mediumship reading I have ever done. 

I can't tell you what an honor that feels like. 

Here are some of the most common things that happen during a Mediumship Reading: 

**Healing and Closure:**

For many who have had the privilege of experiencing a mediumship reading (for themselves or from another medium), the journey begins with a longing for healing and closure.

It is not uncommon to carry unresolved emotions, grief, or questions deep within our hearts.

These unspoken burdens can weigh heavily on our souls, hindering our ability to move forward in life.

One dear soul shared after a mediumship reading from me, "I've never had a mediumship reading done before, though I've read readings others have received. The reading from Jenn was amazing. I haven't been able to properly grieve yet, and it was really bothering me, but as soon as I got into the reading, it all bubbled to the surface, and it was exactly what I needed."


In these sacred moments, we unlock the floodgates of emotion, releasing pent-up feelings, and allowing the healing power of love to wash over us, providing the closure our hearts yearn for.


**A Higher Perspective:**

Mediumship readings also offer a glimpse into the grand tapestry of existence, revealing a higher perspective that transcends the limitations of our earthly experience. Through these connections, we gain insight into the profound interplay between our lives, the universe, and the spiritual realm. We can then integrate that knowledge with our human existence. The Wisdom I have learned from spirit has me walking around like I know a thing or two, about a think or two! ;) 

As one mediumship ship reading client beautifully shared, "There were definitely things that she couldn’t have known, that came through. It took me some time to digest it as her reading was so amazing. Her kindness and compassion are comforting and sincere. I can’t imagine a better person for this. Jenn, you are truly amazing. Thank you, your talents are so appreciated."

 These insights often serve as guiding lights, illuminating our path and helping us navigate life's challenges with newfound clarity and purpose.


**Love and Connection:**

Perhaps the most cherished aspect of mediumship readings is the opportunity to reconnect with those who have crossed over to the other side. The love that transcends time and space is a powerful force, and it flows freely during these readings. As someone who has lost four people in under two years, and who is grieving the loss of both her Father and Step-Father two years apart- I understand that need to feel their energy, their love, and their support once more. I know how meaningful it is to receive their signs, symbols, and guidance. 

It doesn't make up for the physical loss of our loved ones, but it is a very special exchange of love, healing, and wisdom. 

One heartfelt testimony from a client reads, "I felt my father's presence immensely and everything from my nickname to the message he wanted to send me resonated so much."

Through these connections, you will experience the enduring love of your departed loved ones, reaffirming that they are always with you, cheering you on in your earthly journey.


It is my privilege to be a conduit for these profound experiences, and your trust in my abilities is deeply appreciated. If you are seeking healing, closure, a higher perspective, or a reunion with the love that knows no boundaries, I invite you to book a mediumship reading with me. Your journey of discovery and transformation awaits.

With heartfelt gratitude and immense love,


To Book A Reading Go Here: https://www.waywardwitchco.com/offers/6DEVTBni


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