What they don't teach you in "The School Of Life"...

As a psychic medium, I have had the privilege of tapping into the wisdom of the spirit world and gaining insights that extend beyond the knowledge available to humans.

A huge part of my own personal journey has been to learn how to integrate this wisdom and insight into my very much human existence. 

It's not about being one or the other. It's about learning to walk the line in a balanced way, between both the seen and unseen world. (At least that's one of my great lessons anyway!). It's learning to be a human with the insight and healing of the angels and spirit. 

Another thing that lights my heart up to to pass on the wisdom I learn. I love sharing what I learn from spirit with others. (Hence why I adore doing mediumship readings!) 


Here are five things that spirit knows that humans often do not:

1. **Universal Truths and Cosmic Wisdom:**
Spirits have a broader perspective on the universe and its fundamental truths. They possess insights into the interconnectedness of all life, the nature of consciousness, and the purpose of existence that often elude human comprehension.

2. **Eternal Love and Connection:**
Spirits understand the profound and unending nature of love and connection. They experience a love that transcends time and space, recognizing that relationships continue beyond the physical realm. In spirit, there is no separation or limitation in expressing and receiving love.

3. **Karmic Lessons and Life Contracts:**
Spirits have a deep awareness of the karmic lessons and life contracts that guide our human experiences. They comprehend the intricate web of cause and effect, recognizing the deeper spiritual purpose behind life's challenges and encounters.

4. **Divine Timing and Soul Evolution:**
Spirits exist outside the constraints of linear time and understand the concept of divine timing. They recognize that each soul's evolution unfolds at its own pace and that there is a purpose behind the timing of significant life events.

5. **The Afterlife and the Continuation of Consciousness:**
Spirits have firsthand knowledge of the afterlife and the continuation of consciousness beyond physical death. They can provide insights into the journey of the soul after it leaves the earthly realm, shedding light on what awaits us on the other side.

These insights from the spirit world can be profoundly comforting, enlightening, and transformative for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of life's mysteries and their own spiritual journey. 

To Book A Reading Go Here: https://www.waywardwitchco.com/offers/6DEVTBni



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