What could go wrong?

What would it be like if we were all living a life we loved?

Mind, Body, Spirit and your day to day all in alignment.

 Try that on. How does that feel?

Do you believe it is possible?

Are you taking steps to make that happen? Are you finding joys along the journey?

 We are filled with SO much limiting belief and so many of us do not even realize it! I know personallly it took me about 34 years before I realized how utterly limited and negative my thinking was.

 I had a “yeah but..” comment for everything. I had anxiety. I kept myself in a teeny tiny little box. I worried about hundreds of "what if” scenarios all day long. Borrowing trouble, I like to call it. That’s exactly what that is when we are constantly running a bunch of different scenarios in our head of all the things that could go wrong.

 What if it went RIGHT instead?  Then what?

 How often do you reverse the looping and actually spend some time thinking about all the things that could go right instead of wrong?

 I’d like to share a quick activity and would LOVE your feedback on what comes up for you.

This helps me so much, because it lets me know where you are all at, or where I could best support you. So, don’t be shy! I love, love, love to hear from you!

 For this activity you will need:
A pen and paper
A quiet space
Willingness to let yourself dream.

 What is one of your biggest dreams? A dream that has been with you for as far back as you can remember. One that is present in your mind but is so far out there you only allow it to be a fleeting thought. The dream you tell yourself could never happen. The one that is not logical, practical, or taking the safe route.

What is that dream that sets your soul on fire to think about, but then your next thought is that maybe somewhere deep down you do not deserve it, or are not good enough to have it?  It doesn’t matter how silly, how impractical, or how out of reach you think it is. If you want a mansion, or a super fancy car.  If you desire to be wealthy, or to make a difference, travel, have a loving relationship, own a business, be a gypsy, a rich house wife, or a rock star- It doesn’t matter what it is. The dream you FEEL IN THE DEPTHS OF YOUR SOUL AND HEART.

 Write that dream, or goal down.

 Next take inventory of alllllll the reasons why you told yourself you can not accomplish this dream.  Write them all down. Now spend some time feeling those reasons in your body. How does that feel? Do you feel light, excited, expansive? Or does it feel heavy, tiring, limited?

 Take a few deep breaths and visualize clearing any energy attached to your reasons out of your body.

Now, start asking yourself -what could go right?  What IF you could manifest this dream? What if there were possibility, potential, and resources available along your journey of reaching your highest soul joy? List all the reasons this could go right instead of wrong.

Now feel into that list. What does that feel like?

 Which list feels better?

Because guess what- it is a choice!

How exciting is it to learn we have the power and capability to turn our life in a different direction ANY time we choose?

Speaking from someone who has walked this journey- we truly do create our own reality. Now, I realize some of you may be thinking “absolutely not, why on earth would I create a reality I am not satisfied with, a reality that sucks, that hurts, where I struggle?”
I get it. I’ve been there. I see you fellow victim of your circumstance, and I extend a hand to help pull you out of those outdated shadows.

And let me just add a thought here to reassure you, oftentimes when we are creating, we are doing so subconsciously based off programmed beliefs. From before we are even born, we are being programmed with beliefs, agreements, and judgements. We create subconsciously based off ancestral patterns. Sometimes we create from our trauma. One single experience can subconsciously program a new belief that we could potentially carry with us throughout a lifetime or longer, if we are not mindful of our energy.  A lot of times we just are not aware enough to realize this, and therefore it is a subconscious and unintentional creation. Don’t judge yourself. It happens to us all.

 The exciting part of this?  If we can create misery, stress, anxiety, lack, and limitations- then why wouldn’t you be able to create joy, prosperity, love, fun, or alignment? We really have more freedom than we think.

 There is no manifesting trick, spell, or method that will work to its fullest if you are not doing your healing work in conjunction with that.  If you are not looking at your beliefs, at possibility, or exploring self-love, then where is the creation of your reality stemming from? Think about that… and then do something about it. (cough, cough your shadow work).


Let me tell you friends, when you are ready, willing, and committed to walking that journey- look out! Because life will start to take you on one amazing adventure after the next.

Doors will open you never even thought of.

Abundance shows up in so many unexpected ways.
You will feel aligned.
You will manifest much quicker and more efficiently.
Your highest soul dreams actually become possible!

 If you need support, you know where to find me! I am the one extending my hand in the shadows- take hold and LETS DO THIS!

Sending you all much love, possibility, & awareness this evening. 
~ Jenn Neal 
The Wayward Witch 


50% Complete

Two Step

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