I was sitting at home the other night, it was around 12:15AM, and I was half asleep waiting for my son to get home for the night.
Something all of the sudden didn’t feel right to me.
I knew it involved my son, and I was interpreting it as him having some sort of accident. (This was an intuitive feeling, different than the regular worry that comes along with being the Mom of a teenage driver).
So, instead of panicking I called in the spirit of my Grandpa who has assigned himself as the watcher over all the kids in the family. He especially watches over the ones that are driving.
I said, “Grandpa you’ve got to get to him and make sure he’s OK please.”  
A calm feeling came over me, so I let it be.
Five minutes later my phone is ringing, and it’s my son.
His car broke down, right before he was about to get on the freeway and make a 20 minute drive home at midnight.
He happened to break down where he could safely pull into a neighborhood, and it would also be a safe place to leave it there overnight so we could deal with it in the morning.
He also had his friends that were right down the street who were able to quickly come pick him up and took him to stay the night at my Mom's house, which was also close by to where his car broke down. (We live about 25 minutes away from the side of town he was at).

In the morning I go to pick him up, and we go to his car so he can figure out what it needs. When I get to his car I realize, we are right by my sister and brother in law’s house. About a mile down the road.
My brother in law- who is the guy who pretty much saves everyone’s day in the family when we are in trouble. He’s also a car guy. He’s got all the tools. He’s got a truck to tow the car right to his house if it needed it, so we don’t have to deal with the insurance to get a tow.

My son’s car is a brand that is no longer in business. The part he needed was a dealer only part…but there is no dealer. My son goes to automotive school, regular high school, has a few online classes, and works a lot. It is imperative for him to be mobile and able to get up and go when and where he needs to. It wouldn’t be awesome if we had to order some specialized part, that we’d find who knows where, and have to wait how long until it arrives.

So, brother in law knows exactly what to do. He knows where to go to get components, has the equipment to fabricate a part, and gets the boy back on the road in no time.

And all the while, I got to sit and have a nice impromptu visit with my sister, which is something we rarely make time for, so that was nice.

(Thank you Grandpa for showing up when the boy needed some support!) 

Why am I telling this story? Well, a while back I tried an experiment of adopting a new belief that “Everything works out in my favor.”
No matter what plays out before me, what things may look like- Everything works out in my favor.

When things like this happened before doing my shadow work, before my empowerment journey, before getting out of perpetual victim mode, and before finding my magic and intuition- the reaction would NOT have been the same.

I would have been stressed because sometimes I have to play Mom and Dad, and I have no clue how to work on cars. I would have likely overreacted (not just likely, I WOULD have) to the fact that the broken part was a dealer only part and there is no dealer. And even if I knew we’d eventually find something that would work- I’d still spin out, borrowing ALL the trouble about how long it will take to get the part, how much it will cost, how to work the logistics of getting him to and from his places all day, and what will go wrong next.
The picture I just painted was literally my operating procedure for pretty much my entire adult life…until I began my shadow work.

Now, anytime something feels like it’s going wrong, I automatically do two things.

I decree, “Everything works out in my favor.”  - And I F*&%ING MEAN IT.
Then I ask, “What else is possible in this situation?”

I can’t tell you how many times I have tried this on, and it has worked like a charm.
Every.single.time without fail.

Like the time I was about an hour from home, my tire was severely cracked. I made it to my side of town safely, to the tire shop, who happened to have ONE tire left in my size that matched my other tires, and although it was a Saturday and they had over a 2 hour wait, I was somehow out of there within 20 minutes.

Or the time we went to Sedona, and basically got kicked out of our favorite spot where we like to sit by the water. Anyone who has been to Sedona lately, has likely experienced how incredibly crowded and busy it has gotten. It’s gotten more difficult to have a good time there anymore.  
At first, I wanted to be really really annoyed. Like the “I can’t freaking believe this. This is exactly why we come up here, to sit in this spot. It’s taken us like three other tries to get up here and find space to sit. We finally do, there’s not many people around, and we HAVE TO LEAVE?!”  (Insert pouting face here).
Talk about being in my victim…

 And I did allow myself to feel through that irritation for a moment (because it is important not to just stuff the emotions down. As we know, the triggers are important to work through). But then I was reminded that I keep reminding my own clients and community to keep asking “What else is possible, what am I not immediately seeing”, pretty much in all situations. Even the good times! Imagine what other magic is available that we don’t immediately see.

I knew it was time to take a dose of my own medicine. So, I did. I asked. I shifted the energy quickly, and not even half a mile down the road we found a MUCH cooler spot that we never knew was there, in allll our trips we’ve made there! It was amazing, and it was like being in a whole different time and space. We had woods, we had the running creek, we had sand, we had rocks to climb on, we had like five totally different views the deeper we wandered along the water bank. And… we were completely alone! It was just the two of us. That is unheard of in Sedona!

I could go on and on with all my case studies of every time “Everything works in my favor” actually did, in fact, work in my favor. Often playing out even better than I could have imagined. But I know this blog is getting a little long. I have stories for days though, if you want to hear more, I am happy to share.
It’s actually pretty damn magical.

Witches, when I say words are spells, I am not kidding. I repeat this phrase all the time for a reason.

You want to know why your life feels shitty, why you have crappy experiences, why nothing seems to work out for you, why your finances don’t bring you joy, why your job makes you want to climb the walls or run for the hills, why your relationships often seem strained…
Then it’s time to check your words. Check your beliefs.
What story are you telling?

Are you manifesting a “Everything works out in my favor”, or “Nothing ever works out for me” kind of life?

Because I am here to share, I was the latter option previously.
And I can confirm, that indeed, nothing felt like it worked out in my favor.
Then I started my experiment, flipped my story, along with doing my shadow work.
And imagine that- Everything has been working out in my favor.

 I have run my experiment long enough to say with full knowing- you are the one creating your reality.
It is not your parents. It is not society. It is not your spouse. It is not COVID. And it is not the government.
Sorry (not sorry) to tell you- It’s ALL you my friends. The good news? You can un-create, and re-create that story just as you did the first one. I am walking, breathing, living proof of this.

It does take a level of commitment, inner work, and showing up for yourself every damn day.
Not everyone wants to embark on that journey. And that is OK. I will still extend the invite and hold space until you feel ready.

It is pure, Divine transformation. It is life changing. It is relationship changing. It is finance improving. The experience of life gets to go from “What’s the point?” to “Holy S*&^, I love my life so much right now, and I have so much abundance!”

We start the Transformation November 4, 2020, and I cordially invite you to this magic, accelerated, healing container so that you too get to experience everything working out in your favor.

Learn more and start the magic here: 


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Two Step

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