Working With Crystals For Chronic Pain- Bloodstone

I have been studying crystal healing off and on for the past six years. 

At the start of my journey I began to study crystal healing because "that's what witches do." 

I didn't really get it at first. 

I loved crystals- but I didn't really feel anything from them all that often. 

However, as I continued my healing and spiritual journey I learned more and more about energy, frequency, record keepers, and the unseen. 

I began "seeing" and reading energy everywhere, and in everything. 

I learned to channel- including channeling with my crystals and stones. 

I established a much deeper connection with my tools, and the medicine and messaging they bring. 

I have been suffering from chronic 24/7 back pain for the past eight years or so. 
Most days we are at about an 8 on the pain scale. 
There is generally not a moment that goes by where I am not feeling the pain. 

I pursued the route of modern medicine a few years ago- and it began to seem like each time I got sent to someone else, and then that person sent me somewhere else. I got frustrated and gave up.
I decided for a while to just live with the pain. That turned into about eight years. 

Now that I am all about FULL vitality and soul alignment- living with the pain is no longer acceptable.  That level of pain takes away vitality. 

Also- I am pretty magical (as are you). I could do some healing myself. In fact, why wasn't I doing some self-healing? 

It did take a combination of energy work modalities. 
Cord and Contract work
Chakra Work 
Energy Healing
Crystals & Oils. 

Right now, I want to talk about the energy of working with crystals. 

I recently started working with bloodstone for that chronic back pain. 

And I was amazed at the results. 

Since I started working with this stone, I have had almost FULL days of no pain.
And we are coming off 8 years of 24/7 pain!!! 
I have joyously gotten to experience what it's like to wake up and not feel paralyzed from pain. 


Here is my 3-part process: 
1.) Tune into the energy of your pain. What does it require? What stone are you feeling called to work with? 

2.) Establish a connection with your stone. Set intentions with it. Carry it around. But don't just have it there for the sake of having it because #witchcraft. 
No, you actually want to create a relationship with your tools.
Just as you would establish a connection with spirit and your guide team. 
Get to know the stone's energy. The records it keeps.  The frequency it emits.
Tune into how it wants to work with you. 

3.) Once you've chosen a stone, tuned into it's energy, and set intentions, you now want to create a healing process with it. 
For me, and my example of healing chronic back pain, the message was simple.
Establish an energetic connection, state my intention and desire to heal, and carry it around with me.
Each time I pick it up, I don't just shove it in a purse, pocket, or bra.
I tune back into the energy and the purpose, every single time I look at it or touch it.
I am purposeful with our work together, and I immerse myself in a healing container. 
Energetically healing from chronic pain can take some time. 
Patience may be required. 
So stick with it for a bit. 


For all new modalities I learn that catch my interest, I usually have a nice long trial period. (You've got to give some of these modalities time. A one and done is usually only a temporary fix).  
I try the modality or concept on as an experiment. 
I do field research and make note of any changes. 
I get some of my magic friends to try it with me, for more case studies.  

And if I see a shift, I add it to my toolbox. 

I'd love to answer any questions you have about working with crystals! 
Reach out anytime: [email protected] or post in the free private group:


We talk all things magic, intuition, witchy, energy, spirituality, empowerment, and healing inside the Wayward Magick Academy
Learn more and join us HERE!  


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