You Decide

Do you feel unhappy with your external environment or experiences? Have you taken inventory of your thoughts lately?

I say it all the time- Your healing and alignment IS the magic you seek.

When you release old emotions, baggage, traumas, or beliefs that no longer serve you, there will be room for so much more.

You truly get to re-imagine and re-design your thoughts, your beliefs, your energy signature, your experiences, your finances, and anything else you want to change.

It all starts with our healing, and with finding alignment.

Did you no longer have to be a victim of your circumstances? And that deep within you, you DO have the power to expand and grow in any area of life you want?

Once upon a time, I was a person who was unhappy about anything and everything. My job, my finances, my relationships, my body, my thoughts.
And I really actually believed it was all happening TO me.
I was that victim of circumstance.

Until one day, it got to be so bad, and I felt so low, I knew something had to change. I tried so many things to feel better, or to improve my circumstances and finances but nothing ever seemed to work.

I was eventually led down the path of doing shadow work, inner work, emotional release & healing. 
And I've been on that amazing journey ever since.

I know I still have a lot of growing, learning, and expanding to do- but I look forward to it all! 
And when I sit back in reflection and really take stock of where I have been, to where I am now, the differences are astounding and exciting.

I am falling in love with myself and my life more everyday, and I want to see everyone else doing the same.

It's life changing. It's life improving. It's spirit changing. It's soul expanding. And all those external pain points- the finances, the struggle, the crappy jobs, the bad relationships, the depression, the body image- that all gets to go away.

All you have to do to start is DECIDE.

One of the biggest lessons I am learning, is those things that I have been so unhappy about for so long- those things are NOT who I am.
It's who I allowed myself to be conditioned to be by my circumstance, by jobs, by beliefs, by experiences... whatever life threw my way.

But I've got news.

You can decide to be the conscious creator in your reality.

You CAN get to a point where you are able to leave a very dissatisfactory job and your needs can continue to be met and then some.

You CAN have honest conversations with yourself about your health and weight, call in support, and start getting into shape and changing your eating with ease and grace.

You CAN launch that business, project, or goal and have all the support you want.

You CAN take that trip in faith and have it fully paid for as if by magic.

Your finances CAN change if you want that.

The best part - all you have to do to start is to lean into your soul desires.

Sort out what desires may be from a place of lack, fear, judgement or limitation and find the desires that come straight from your soul.

When you lean into your soul desires support, magic, grace, and flow will show up on your doorstep like never before.

The problem is that for so long we limited those desires.
We judged them.
We shamed or wronged them.
We didn't believe it was possible, "practical", or achievable.
Maybe we thought we didn't deserve them. 

So, that's the life we created. One where our soul desires are wrong, and we are supposed to keep doing all the things that don't feel right.

Today, I invite you to start taking inventory of your thoughts, your beliefs, your limitations. 
Decide what stays and what goes. 
And then start leaning into those desires that come from your heart and soul. 
There is nothing you have to do to "qualify" for your desires to be brought into your physical reality. They are already available as an option, otherwise they wouldn't be there in your soul. But if you don't believe that, you won't see it. 

You want change? YOU have the power to make it happen. You no longer have to sit on the sidelines and watch your life as a spectator. 


Sending lots of love & empowerment, 
Jenn N. 
The Wayward Witch 

50% Complete

Two Step

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