Facing Fear Before a Major Manifestation: Uncovering and Overcoming Subconscious Beliefs

Facing Fear Before a Major Manifestation: Uncovering and Overcoming Subconscious Beliefs

Right before a big manifestation or breakthrough, fear often rears its head.

You might be wondering why—if everything seems aligned and the manifestation is on the verge of happening—this fear shows up.

This is because stepping into a new reality requires us to face and transcend old beliefs, conditioning, and limitations that don’t serve our growth. Fear is a signal that you're at the edge of an up-level, standing at the door of a new chapter, but often it’s also when subconscious beliefs and self-sabotage start to intensify.

The truth is, many people don’t realize that their subconscious mind holds beliefs that actively work against their desires.

You may have set clear intentions, visualized your outcome, and done the work, but then fear, doubt, or unexpected obstacles arise.

It feels like your manifestation isn’t happening, but in reality, it’s your...

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