As most of us are confined to our homes, we have no choice but to start facing some of our shadows. And what a powerful and supportive time to do so. 

We have been forced to stop.
To slow down.
And to find new ways of being.

There is much power to be discovered in the stillness and in turning within. 

That said, I myself have been journeying through a big shadow of my own. One that comes up often and my biggest "stuck" point. This week the shadow emotions came back in like a wrecking ball (as they usually do during the week of a full moon!), and before I went to deep into a loop, I knew it was time to work on another layer. 

The other night, after doing a lot of emotion processing, I was about to fall asleep and the image of my heart shaped rock that was gifted to me in Sedona by Robert Sechrengost (look him up if you don't already know about him!) popped in my mind, clear as day. 

The energy I felt when I "saw" it told me this wasn't just a random image...

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