Navigating Life's Storms with Shadow Work: A Journey to Abundance and Soul Alignment

Life's journey is often tumultuous, with unexpected storms and challenging moments that can knock us off our feet.

Yet, it's during these times of adversity that our ability to manifest and stay aligned with our desires becomes even more crucial.

As someone who has weathered their fair share of storms, I can attest to the power of maintaining a manifestation mindset even in the face of life's toughest trials.

In the past couple of years, I've endured profound losses, heartbreaks, and moments of intense fear and stress. From the passing of beloved family members to frightening accidents involving my son, and significant changes in my familial relationships, I've traversed through what felt like an endless series of hardships. It's in these moments of darkness that I am always reminded of the transformative potential of shadow work.

Shadow work, often overlooked in the realm of personal development, is a powerful practice that involves delving into the depths of our subconscious...

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Working With Crystals For Chronic Pain- Bloodstone

I have been studying crystal healing off and on for the past six years. 

At the start of my journey I began to study crystal healing because "that's what witches do." 

I didn't really get it at first. 

I loved crystals- but I didn't really feel anything from them all that often. 

However, as I continued my healing and spiritual journey I learned more and more about energy, frequency, record keepers, and the unseen. 

I began "seeing" and reading energy everywhere, and in everything. 

I learned to channel- including channeling with my crystals and stones. 

I established a much deeper connection with my tools, and the medicine and messaging they bring. 

I have been suffering from chronic 24/7 back pain for the past eight years or so. 
Most days we are at about an 8 on the pain scale. 
There is generally not a moment that goes by where I am not feeling the pain. 

I pursued the route of modern medicine a few years...

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