Embracing Fear: Trusting Your Heart in Uncertain Times

In life, we're often faced with decisions that challenge our sense of security and comfort.

These decisions, while scary, often hold the key to our growth and fulfillment.

Yet, our logical mind can be our biggest obstacle, filling us with doubts and fears that overshadow the wisdom of our hearts.

Lets take a moment to explore the art of making scary decisions that our hearts know are right, even when our minds resist every step of the way.

Making scary decisions is a natural part of the human experience.

Whether it's leaving a job that no longer serves us, ending a toxic relationship, or pursuing a passion that defies societal norms, our hearts often guide us toward paths that challenge our perceived limitations.

However, the journey to embracing these decisions can be fraught with fear and uncertainty, as our logical minds seek to protect us from perceived dangers.


Acknowledging Fear

The first step in navigating scary decisions is to acknowledge the fear that arises within...

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Breaking Free: Dismantling Excuses on Your Manifestation Journey

How to recognize and work through excuses when it comes to prioritizing mindset and manifestations...

We all do it—those moments when we tell ourselves we don't have time, when external pressures seem insurmountable, or when health struggles become a barrier.

Excuses, whether subtle or overt, can be the silent saboteurs of our manifestation journey. Understanding the psychology behind these excuses is crucial for dismantling their power.

Excuses often have roots in fear—fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or even fear of success.

Our minds, protective as they are, sometimes use excuses as a shield against perceived threats. Recognizing this psychological pattern is the first step in breaking free.

When you catch yourself making excuses, ask yourself: What am I afraid of? What's the worst that could happen?

More often than not, bringing these fears into the light diminishes their power.
Acknowledge them, but don't let them dictate your actions. I have a...

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What do you do when you are afraid?

We spend so much time being afraid of fear.
Then we spend even more time being afraid of all the things that 'could go wrong' when it's time to make a decision. Especially if it's one that takes us out of comfort zone. 

Just facing the opportunity to make a decision about something, takes us out of our comfort zone.

Or as I like to call it, our comfort zone of discomfort.
But, the thing is, we know this place. We know all about how uncomfortable we are here. Even though it may suck, there is not an unknown here. We deal with that discomfort zone, because it's also one of comfort to us. 

So, we have this decision to make, and instead of making the decision from a space of trusting our soul,  we choose to dip into our shadow backpack, and conjure up and borrow all kinds of trouble from the future.

It starts with borrowing a little trouble worrying about how this decision could impact us tomorrow. That's not enough, so we conjure up a little more worry...

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