Your Current Reality

Everything in your present life is a manifestation of the past. 

Sit with that for a moment. Really feel into that, and what that means for you. 

And when you are ready, read on… this is actually exciting news! 

What this means, is that we have more confirmation that our thoughts truly to do create our reality. 


Simple Solution if you want to change your reality: 
Change your thoughts, and your reality will automatically begin to change, without you having to figure it all out, or force or push anything. 

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.
Time was something I have felt short on for a really long time.
I always hated having the constraints of a 9-5 job. Asking for time off? Ugh! The WORST!  
And of course, I always found myself in the most corporate high stress types of jobs. And then I found myself excelling at them all, even though I was miserable.
So, I'd climb up the...

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