Desert Magic

I have been working with the magic of the desert long before I knew there even was such a thing.

The desert and I have a history. A history which has recently been reconciled through a journey of shadow work, soul wealth acceleration, and the willingness to completely shut down a whole bunch of old timelines.

Staring out the window at the vast landscape I used to see nothing but death, colorless dried plant life, struggle, and discomfort.
Now I see and feel all the beauty that sprouts from the desert. I also recognize the magic, the pioneering, and the ancient wisdom and medicine it has to share. I have unknowingly been collecting much of that wisdom, medicine, and magic along my travels and time here in the desert. I have a lot of Desert Magic to share in this series of #WaywardAdventures.

Looking for inspiration for how to kick off the Desert Magic Series, I felt called to pull cards from the Sedona Deck originally created by a local artist back in ’99.

Below is a beautiful...

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