Troubleshooting Your Manifestations: A Guide to Unlocking Your Manifesting Power

Feeling frustrated because your manifestations aren't coming to fruition?

Don't worry; you're not alone. 

The good news is, your manifestation ability isn't broken; it just needs a little troubleshooting.

Let's dive into why your manifestations might not be working and how you can fix them!


Mindset Check:   

First things first, let's examine your mindset.
Are limiting beliefs holding you back?
Take a moment to identify any thoughts or beliefs that contradict your desired manifestations.
For example, do you believe you can only earn more money if you work harder?

Challenge these beliefs and replace them with empowering ones like "I attract abundance effortlessly."


Common Limiting Beliefs:

  • Beliefs around deservingness: Many people struggle with feelings of unworthiness when it comes to manifesting abundance. They may believe that they are not deserving of wealth, success, or happiness, often due to past experiences or societal conditioning.
  • Beliefs...
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