Want to know one of the number one methods I use for manifesting the reality I desire?


Not only do I intend for things to happen, but I also work with intention when it comes to how I spend the CURRENCY of my:


These are all aspects of our overall "Soul Wealth", and I now use them with great care, attention, intention, and soul.

These areas also impact the abundance or magic we experience in our outer world.

Intention is something we are also starting to dive into in my Shadow Work program. Not only does intention help us with our manifesting, but it also helps when it comes to doing our shadow work, and stepping into our own personal place of real power.

My question for you to ponder on today is this:
How much intention have you been putting into your day to day life, your thoughts, and your decisions?

Don't forget you can consciously write your reality.
I've done it. 
Many times. 

It's amazing.  
And I...
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What do you do when you are afraid?

We spend so much time being afraid of fear.
Then we spend even more time being afraid of all the things that 'could go wrong' when it's time to make a decision. Especially if it's one that takes us out of comfort zone. 

Just facing the opportunity to make a decision about something, takes us out of our comfort zone.

Or as I like to call it, our comfort zone of discomfort.
But, the thing is, we know this place. We know all about how uncomfortable we are here. Even though it may suck, there is not an unknown here. We deal with that discomfort zone, because it's also one of comfort to us. 

So, we have this decision to make, and instead of making the decision from a space of trusting our soul,  we choose to dip into our shadow backpack, and conjure up and borrow all kinds of trouble from the future.

It starts with borrowing a little trouble worrying about how this decision could impact us tomorrow. That's not enough, so we conjure up a little more worry...

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