I don't know who needs to hear this....Manifestation Reminder

I don't know who needs to hear this...Tuesday Edition...

You literally can manifest anything you want.

It can be random.

It can seem out there.

It can seem farfetched.  

It can be something that's never been done before.

It can be weird. (My favorite kind of manifestation!) 

It can make no sense to anyone else.

Seriously friends...whatever your little heart desires!


I just found some Reality Writing pages from June 8, 2022!

I wrote:

 "We are magnetic where ever we go, people enjoy talking with us, taking care of us, and showing us really cool stuff." 


And let me tell you, I have the BEST stories about all the weird and cool things that have happened on our travels, all the places people have taken us, and things they have showed us.

We were once poking around behind a building in Jerome, AZ, got busted, and we end up getting a private tour of the entire original mining town hospital building. The owners even took us down to the...

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Manifestation Favors the Brave

Manifestation Frequency Favors The Brave & Bold

Manifestation is a journey that often requires facing significant fears and stepping out of comfortable zones.

As a manifestation coach, I not only teach others to manifest but also share my own experiences living a lifestyle of manifestation. Recently, I manifested the opportunity to travel with my husband—a dream come true. However, now that this reality is here, I find myself terrified.

We leave in a week, and I’ve spent the past month overthinking, questioning everything, and witnessing a lot of fear arise. It’s easy to let these fears keep me in my comfort zone and say no to the opportunity I diligently worked to manifest. However, I recognize that I’m at a pivotal point of up-leveling.

Living a new life requires a new version of me, one that can’t carry the old fears and comfort zones.

Our travel plans are fluid, depending on where work is available for my husband, which means I can't control or...

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Manifesting Your Dream Partner: Practical Steps to Finding Love

I don't know what compelled me to write about this topic today, but knowing spirit, there is a reason. There is someone out there who might need this kind of support today. 

This blog is for you if you are tired of the same old patterns repeating in your relationships.
If find yourself attracting partners who are not aligned with your values or who bring more pain than joy into your life.
And if you do feel that way, you're not alone.

Many of us have experienced the frustration and heartache of toxic relationships and failed connections.

I've had my fair share of failed relationships. I've been left 19 and pregnant and scared out of my mind. I've been stalked and I've endured violence and betrayal. I've been emotionally beaten down so much that I was a shell of my former self and lost every single ounce of confidence I ever had. I've been so utterly heartbroken that I cried every single day for an entire year. Literally. 

And the beautiful thing- I can share all of...

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Unleashing Your Inner Fire: Harnessing Mars as Your Manifestation Guide

As I continue on my journey as a student of the stars and seasoned manifestation coach, I find myself delving into various realms of knowledge to enhance my understanding of the manifestation process.

From exploring energy work and mediumship to diving into human design, astrology, tarot, and crystal healing, I uncover hidden gems that support the manifestation of my dreams.

My exploration extends all the way from the human world, to the spirit world, all the way to the celestial realm, where I seek manifestation insights from astrology and planetary archetypes.

It's no surprise that my focus remains on extracting valuable manifestation tools and wisdom from these cosmic energies.


An archetype is a universally recognized symbol, pattern, or concept that represents a fundamental aspect of human experience.

In manifestation work, archetypes serve as powerful guides or templates that we can align with to amplify our intentions and manifest our desires.


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Unleash Your Manifestation Power: The Ultimate Guide to Fast-Track Your Dreams

Welcome, manifestors, to the forefront of conscious creation!

If you're tired of waiting eons for your desires to materialize, buckle up, because we're about to revolutionize your manifestation game.

Say goodbye to outdated techniques and hello to a quantum leap in manifesting mastery.

Let's unlock the secrets to rapid manifestation and unleash your limitless potential!


The Manifestation Matrix

Prepare to have your reality shattered, because manifestation isn't just about positive thinking and vision boards—it's about hacking into the very fabric of the universe.

Imagine reality as a vast matrix of energy, where thoughts and emotions shape the course of events.

By mastering your inner world, you gain access to the quantum field, where your dreams are waiting to be plucked from the realm of possibility into tangible existence.


The Manifestation Maverick Speaks

As your guide on this transformational journey, I speak from a place of unwavering faith in the...

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Troubleshooting Your Manifestations: A Guide to Unlocking Your Manifesting Power

Feeling frustrated because your manifestations aren't coming to fruition?

Don't worry; you're not alone. 

The good news is, your manifestation ability isn't broken; it just needs a little troubleshooting.

Let's dive into why your manifestations might not be working and how you can fix them!


Mindset Check:   

First things first, let's examine your mindset.
Are limiting beliefs holding you back?
Take a moment to identify any thoughts or beliefs that contradict your desired manifestations.
For example, do you believe you can only earn more money if you work harder?

Challenge these beliefs and replace them with empowering ones like "I attract abundance effortlessly."


Common Limiting Beliefs:

  • Beliefs around deservingness: Many people struggle with feelings of unworthiness when it comes to manifesting abundance. They may believe that they are not deserving of wealth, success, or happiness, often due to past experiences or societal conditioning.
  • Beliefs...
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Aquarian Alchemy: Revolutionizing Manifestation Through Daily Emotional Choices

One way I really connect with Aquarian Energy is through my passion and desire to revolutionize manifestation, and then teach it to others.

The way we were taught- beliefs about money, about staying in situations and jobs we hate because 'it's what we are supposed to do,' or 'because we believe we have no choice,' or 'because it's the right thing to do'  - that's old programming. 

I do believe this mindset, belief, and perspective were necessary once upon a time when survival was the only focus.  

I don't hate on where those beliefs came from. I absolutely honor the journey our ancestors walked for us. I work a lot with my Ancestors, I have a great deal of respect for their story. 

But here's the cool thing- We can also liberate those very ancestors who had to live that way, by revolutionizing the family manifestation story. 

Times are different now.  

I know how awful it feels to force yourself to stay in situations...

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Aquarius and The Star: Illuminating the Path of Progress

Aquarius, ruled by the visionary planet Uranus, is a beacon of forward-thinking and innovation in the astrological realm. Those under its influence are natural revolutionaries, pushing the boundaries of conventional thought and exploring uncharted territories of the mind.

The energy of Aquarius is like a breath of fresh air, encouraging us to break free from the shackles of tradition and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

In the realm of manifestation, harnessing the energy of Aquarius requires a departure from the ordinary.

It beckons us to envision a future that transcends the limits of our current understanding, urging us to think beyond the confines of the status quo.

This forward-thinking nature prompts us to set intentions that not only align with personal aspirations but also contribute to the collective evolution.

Aquarius invites us to dream audaciously, recognizing that transformation often emerges from the seeds of unconventional ideas.

The key to...

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Aquarian Alchemy: Unveiling Your Unique Manifestation Style Through the Houses

Aquarius in the Houses: Unveiling Manifestation Styles

Aquarius, the innovative and forward-thinking air sign ruled by Uranus, brings a unique flavor to the manifestation styles dictated by the houses in an astrological birth chart.

Each house represents a distinct area of life, and when Aquarius graces these domains, it adds an unconventional and progressive touch to the way individuals approach manifestation.


Aquarius in the 1st House:

With Aquarius influencing the self-expression and identity-focused 1st house, individuals may manifest by embracing their eccentricities. Authenticity and individuality become paramount, encouraging them to boldly express their unique ideas and perspectives.


Aquarius in the 2nd House:
In the realm of personal values and resources, Aquarius prompts unconventional approaches to financial manifestation. Innovation in investments, technology, or humanitarian efforts might be the key to abundance.


Aquarius in the 3rd House: (Aquarius...

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Planetary Magic & Manifestation- MARS

Before I get started with this article I want you to know, I am a student of Astrology, practiced in Planetary Magic, and an expert at Manifestation.

In fact, you can say I am downright obsessed with learning all there is to know about manifestation. Playing the game, seeing how far it can go, how transforming it can be. It feels like a natural passion, and I just keep diving deeper and deeper into the subject. 

What I have found is that unlocking the secrets of manifestation reaches beyond conventional realms. Our manifestation story is already written into our blueprint. This is where we delve into the celestial web that is planetary magic.

Much like one might weave the energies of archetypes, gods, goddesses, and spirit guides into the fabric of their mystical pursuits, the planets themselves emerge as formidable allies in the realm of magic, manifestation, and healing.

Within this dance, each planet emanates a unique archetypal energy, offering profound...

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