If you are just trying to manifest money, and you aren't tuning in deeper to your truest desires, then you are going to find it difficult to manifest more money.

But, if you are willing to put some time and energy into tuning into what you TRULY desire to FEEL from all this money- then you will find your manifestations come to you much more effortlessly, and in such divine ways.


What feelings are you trying to buy with this manifestation of money?


Keep digging past all the "don't wants", all the lack you are trying to buy your way out of, and don't stop until you strike gold in the form of discovering your soul desires.

Is this sometimes a journey? Yes 

However, it's a very important part of the journey that a lot of us try to skip, by just defaulting to ask for more money.

"If I have more money, I can just buy my way to happiness."


If there is no desire behind the manifestation, then it's going...

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The Sacredness of Divine Timing and Nature

Part Two of Combining Intuition and Aligned Action! 

We have been talking a lot about only needing to know our next step. 
For really anything we are wanting to build, create, manifest, or experience in our life. 

Here is another example of just how magical this space of being really gets! 

I have a soul mate client who has been with me for some time, and the other day I received a surprise package in the mail from her. It was The Witches Wisdom Tarot Deck (and an extremely heart-warming note that was a huge form of abundance all on it's own!) 

In the letter she mentions how she really likes the deck and will probably be getting another one, but that she kept hearing my name when she opened the deck. So this was an example of her following an intuitive pull. She could have easily ignored the pull and kept her deck. But she followed the magic. 

So then the deck arrives at my house. And as most of you know, I am very wayward lol.  Which means...

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What do you get when you combine: Intuition, Aligned Action, & Boss Babe Energy?

To all my Boss Babes, & Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs out there:  

What do you get when you combine: Intuition, Aligned Action, & Boss Babe Energy? 

One bad a$$ abundant and transformative experience, that's what! 

Let me share with you an experience I recently had that included my intuition, my aligned action, and my boss babe energy. 

First, let me ask, have you ever found yourself purchasing something like a course or workshop and here it is two months later, and you still haven't even logged in one time? 
Or is that just me? 

Well back on Thanksgiving, I took advantage of several Black Friday deals for Business or Mindset Building workshops & courses...As well as a workshop on Akashic Records- (which at first I wondered 'why the heck did I buy this, I know all this'... but I later found the reason for that sign up as well!) 
But back to my point...

A few days ago I had a big scary thought come in...but a thought that...

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Two Step

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