Dreaming The Big Dreams

"If you can see it, you can BE it. 
There is nothing you can not have. 
Release control of how things should be and allow the universe to orchestrate the most incredible life full of miracles. 
Make sure you give thanks and celebrate all the tiny micro-wins, as the universe is showing you that it's all happening with little energetic breadcrumbs. 
Don't take them for granted- it's all happening! 
Take a look around and find evidence of it working! "
- From the Angels In Your Biz Oracle Deck 

"If you can see it, you can BE it". 
I love this, as this is a topic that has been coming up in Women's Circle for my Monthly Mastermind Group and in my Abundance Mastery & Reset Program. 
If you can envision something, if you have a desire, if you have a goal, or a dream- it's because it is something that is already available to you (and technically already happening if we want to get into quantum physics and...

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What do you get when you combine: Intuition, Aligned Action, & Boss Babe Energy?

To all my Boss Babes, & Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs out there:  

What do you get when you combine: Intuition, Aligned Action, & Boss Babe Energy? 

One bad a$$ abundant and transformative experience, that's what! 

Let me share with you an experience I recently had that included my intuition, my aligned action, and my boss babe energy. 

First, let me ask, have you ever found yourself purchasing something like a course or workshop and here it is two months later, and you still haven't even logged in one time? 
Or is that just me? 

Well back on Thanksgiving, I took advantage of several Black Friday deals for Business or Mindset Building workshops & courses...As well as a workshop on Akashic Records- (which at first I wondered 'why the heck did I buy this, I know all this'... but I later found the reason for that sign up as well!) 
But back to my point...

A few days ago I had a big scary thought come in...but a thought that...

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