If you want the magic, you have to go find it or create it.

I had this message drop in, and then felt urged to share it.

“If you want the magic, you have to go f***ing find it or create it.” (and yes, the F word WAS included in this drop in message!)

Sometimes things do and will happen for us “as if by magic.”
But, if you are looking for that lasting, tangible magic- that’s going to be on you to create.  

The journey to magic requires inner work, shadow work, energy work, and body work.

You know- the whole Mind, Body, Soul thing?

It can feel like a daunting task, being at the very bottom of the magic mountain.

It’s really easy for people to say, “I don’t have time for that, it’s too much.”
And then these same people go on to live life on autopilot on the outside, and prisoners of their own mind on the inside. 
Why? Because they still desire the f*&^ing magic, that is why.

I know this because I was one of those people. And now I work with many of those people to...

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What could go wrong?

What would it be like if we were all living a life we loved?

Mind, Body, Spirit and your day to day all in alignment.

 Try that on. How does that feel?

Do you believe it is possible?

Are you taking steps to make that happen? Are you finding joys along the journey?

 We are filled with SO much limiting belief and so many of us do not even realize it! I know personallly it took me about 34 years before I realized how utterly limited and negative my thinking was.

 I had a “yeah but..” comment for everything. I had anxiety. I kept myself in a teeny tiny little box. I worried about hundreds of "what if” scenarios all day long. Borrowing trouble, I like to call it. That’s exactly what that is when we are constantly running a bunch of different scenarios in our head of all the things that could go wrong.

 What if it went RIGHT instead?  Then what?

 How often do you reverse the looping and actually spend some time thinking about all the...

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