Self Love & Shadow Work

I absolutely adore that I pulled the Love & Nurture Your Body card today. Such perfect timing, as I was just going through the Self-Love, Body-Love section for the Intro to Shadow Work course. And as I was going through that section, I was thinking to myself, “This topic is a really big and important deal.”

Our intuition, our signals, our truths, our signs of alignment- those are felt within the body. If we are disconnected, ashamed of, and not really occupying our body, how many intuitive messages are we missing?

Not only that, but how many things do we put in our shadows when it comes to our body?
Shame, embarrassment, judgment, negative talk, hiding, being uncomfortable, disappointment, dissatisfaction…and this list could go on.

One of the most expansive things I was taught throughout my entire journey were the tools and support to love myself and my body again. It did not happen overnight, and it’s a relationship I nurture and grow each and every...

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